Rage & Farewell

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Aaron started looking for Julian at The Beyond Forest. Although, Julian didn't want to be found, which made searching for him harder. Even though Aaron managed to pass the evil creatures from the forest with the help of the cloak of invisibility, and break into the red building, where The Militia was developing, Julian couldn't be found. Until one day that Aaron was walking out of the Forbidden Forest and spotted Julian in the distance walking towards him. Aaron quickly hid behind a tree and covered himself with the invisibility cloak before Julian could see him. Although Aaron thought he was being successful, after some steps, Julian heard Aaron's heart beat, steps and breathing but Julian continued as if he didn't know anything. Julian made a stick break magically behind Aaron, Aaron quickly looked back and stoped walking at the same time. Julian whooshed behind a tree which was behind Aaron. Aaron fell for it and took his invisibility cloak off. Julian immediately came out of his hiding spot and faced Aaron.

"Julian, I came to save you, you need to come with me or else you will die, I can save you."

"I will never die, I'm a heratic."

"You know that is not true, mate. There's always a loophole to any magic and immortality isn't the exception."

"I'm not going with you anywhere."

"We are all really worried about you."

"I don't care, I told you guys to leave me alone."

"How can you be so cold?"

"I'm dead, I'm part vampire now, we are always cold."

"I'm not joking Julian, you need to come with me."


"What makes 'The Militia' so good?"


"Come on, don't make me hurt you."

"How do you know I won't hurt you first?"

"Please Julian."

"I said no!"

"Well then... Incarcerous!"

A magic rope came out of Aaron's wand and chocked Julian, although Julian's strength and siphoning ability broke him free when he tried to escape from the rope.

"Evenet!" Julian said while looking at Aaron. Aaron flew a couple of feet away.

"Diffindo!" Aaron said as soon as he stood up. The spell shreaded Julian. Although, because of his vampire abilities, he healed immediately.

"How dare you say you just want to help me? Ossox!"

Aaron teleported to Julian's left side and evaded his spell before his bones could be broken.

"Obscuro!" Aaron's spell caused a blindfold to appear over Julian's eyes, obstructing the view of his surroundings.

"I can still hear you Aaron." Julian said mockingly.

"Thanks for reminding me. Muffliato!" The spell filled Julian's ears with an unidentifiable buzzing to keep him from hearing.

"I'm finally saving you... Petrificus Totalus!" The spell made Julian fell into a soldier position.

Meanwhile, Audrey, Bonnie and Camilo were inside a mirror dimension that Audrey had enchanted in the Bennett's backyard for Camilo to practice his Expression. Bonnie was telling him that he couldn't let his emotions out of control because that would only make his powers go out of control as well. After making him do plenty of spells and magical objects to control his Expression, Bonnie left Audrey and Camilo inside the dimension. "You know, many years ago I sent two mermaids to another dimension... I think I need a break from all of this. Do you think you could take me to that dimension to see if they are ok?." Camilo asked Audrey. "Why don't you take both of us there so you can practice your magic?" Audrey responded. Camilo tried but he couldn't physically take both of them to that other dimension because he was not in complete control. There were still some emotions on the way. "How about you just take our spirits there?" Audrey recommended. Camilo liked that idea and recited: "With the power within me, both of our spirits will now appear in the dimension I sent Leila..."

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