Into the Woods

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     Many, many years ago, a group of witches were running from witch hunters. They ran and ran until they found a "safe place". After several seconds of knocking on the door of a house in the middle of a forest, a pale man opened the door and let them in.

"Please sir, we beg for refuge. We're being persecuted!"

     The man let the women inside the house and told them to wait in the living room. Minutes later, he came back with another person. Someone rather... strange looking and bossy. He had a golden robe and a big golden crown made of lots of thorns.

"Greetings, girls. Who are you? What brought you here?"

"Hi, we're running from some mad men."

"Mad men?"

"Yes, they're trying to kill us."

The men exchanged suspicious looks with each other, and then...

"Well then, this is how it's going to work. I will give you refuge here but you'll have to work for me. It's either that, or I'll hand you to the hunters. Your choice."

     The witches accepted since they knew the man had discovered their secret; and began their work. The man started giving them orders which they followed. They started by rebuilding the house, putting it under some enchantments to make it bigger inside and surrounding it with a black gate which is protected by a dark spell and represented with a scull so no one can get in without their permission. Then, bringing dangerous and very powerful creatures to the forest so they could help them protect the house. Soon, they started practicing a very dangerous, powerful and dark source of magic. From which they create evil creatures, such as: hybrids, mutants, and many others. By doing so, they were disturbing the balance of nature. With the help of that magic, they bounded their powers by creating their own coven, which they called: The Sisters.

Four years earlier from the present day...

After Ajax captured Julian, he and one of his vampires took him deeper into the Forbidden Forest, to a part where everything was dark. Not a single good being lived there. Once they stepped on that part of the forest, which everyone calls "The Beyond Forest" Julian felt its dark energy going through his body.

     After some steps, Julian saw what seemed to be a man with a cape. Ajax told him that The Sisters summoned him (The Gate Keeper of the South), for power. This creature wears a long cape which has a design that match the tattoos on his face. He must protect his cape at all cost, as well as the other three Gate Keepers (North, West and East). However, these other Gate Keepers protect other objects or certain areas which are in different parts of the world. The Gate Keeper of the South can summon and control animals from the underworld. These animals can come to the real world by crossing the portal. This portal opens when The Gate Keeper of the South opens his cape, but it is closed most of the time. He is the anchor to the underworld. When he looked at Julian his eyes turned yellow, even the eye on his cape, which simulates a third eye for him.

     When they passed him, they spotted a Nature Demon, the first creature The Sisters ever created. For this, they had to get a human bone, a big part of any underworld tree, human blood and call upon the darkest sources of evil in the world. This demon is a forest guardian who is able to control nature with mere thought. He has short green hair, long arms made of wood (one brown and the other green) and his legs are also made of wood but with a mixed color of green and brown. On his human version he has black hair and pants instead of wood. As soon as he came to life, The Sisters ordered him to guard the forest they were in. He would only let someone through if The Sisters told him to.

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