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At the third month of the second semester, the boys joined the Hogwarts Quidditch team. This was one of the first rules they had managed to break without getting into any trouble. Being the youngest Quidditch players Hogwarts has had in history, the boys truly lived and took advantage of their oportunity. Aaron made it to be the keeper, Camilo a chaser and Julian the seeker. They never thought they would make it into the Quidditch team but now that they are, they are looking forward to more oportunities like these.

It all started with a silly game after school every day since the beginning of the second semester. Every time they had a chance after school, they would go to Hagrids frontyard with their brooms and play with some soccer balls and a golf ball after they enchanted them to levitate. At first they were surprise because they were not that bad at all. After the first month, Hagrid saw the real potential in the boys and told them to try out for the Quidditch team. Although, the boys took Hagrids words as a joke and never talked to Prof. Porttix.

As the days passed, the boys got better and better, and Hagrid kept telling them to try out but they thought they were too young, which was true, so they did not try out. One day, Hagrid told Prof. Porttix, the teacher in charge of the Quidditch team, about the boys but she did not pay much attention to Hagrid after he told her they were freshmen. This time Hagrid left but he was not going to give up so soon. Hagrid could not believe that because of the boys ages they could not play in the team. Even though she told him no, Hagrid kept bothering her and trying to convince her to give the boys a chance.

After several no, Prof. Porttix thought that Hagrid was simply bothering her for no reason. One day, she was so sick of him that she yelled at Hagrid, but he did not remain silent. Hagrid screamed back at her and told her that she was going to lose great players because of her obstinacy. The teacher left the hall and headed to her ofice, where she gave thought to what Hagrid said. She did not came out for five hours since three o'clock.

A couple of days past and whenever Hagrid and her cross eyes with each other, he would look at her with fury and sadness at the same time, but he quickly changed his gaze elsewhere. Later, she told Hagrid that she would give the boys a chance. Hagrid was so excited that as soon as he could, he told the boys. Although, the boys were not so excited, they were very scare and could not believe that they were given a chance to try out for the Quidditch team. When they gave it a deep thought, the boys told Hagrid that they did not wanted to try out for the Quidditch team because they thought it was a joke, and that the whole team would laugh at them when the teacher tells them that they failed to enter the team.

On the contrary, Hagrid thought the opposite. He told the teacher what the boys told him but he also told her to watch them play at three o'clock in his front yard the next day. The teacher hid inside Hagrids hut with him waiting for the boys to arrive. When they did, they settled and started playing. After a tough hour of game, the teacher amazed, came out of the hut and told the boys that they were in the Quidditch team and they should start going to practice the next Monday.

The day arrived and the boys still could not believe that they made it into the team. When they got to the Quidditch field the teacher introduced them to the rest of the team and told the Gryffindor team to practice against half of the team; she told the boys to pick a side and play against the other side. It was six o'clock and it was getting dark. "Lumos Maxima!" The teacher said to watch clearly the game. The heartbeat of the boys increased since the teacher told them to play against the other half of the team.

They were very scare, their brooms were slower than the brooms of the other teammates, they were way younger and did not had much experience. Although, everyone was left with their mouth wide open and stand up when the boys were a great influence in the "championship" of their side. After everyone processed what they witnessed, the teacher assigned them a position and told them that practice were Tuesdays and Thursdays. All the boys were sweaty, tired and stank, but all of them were excited for the next official game. After all, they were dismissed with applause and cheerings.

The next day, Aaron, Camilo and Julian told Hagrid what happened and thank him. Hagrid was so excited for them that he smiled, hugged them and when they left he went to Diagon Alley to buy all three of them the best broom that was up at the market at the moment. At lunch the next day, the boys went to Hagrid after eating in the great hall and he gave them the brooms. The boys were very excited and could not wait to use them, specially Julian, who was the seeker. Then, when school ended they went back to Hagrid's hut and after long hours of chatting with him, they went to their dorms.

At the fourth month the boys were pretty ahead at training for the next official game, but they thought they needed more practice. Since that day, the boys decided to practice every day of the week, again. Although their practice were tough, they were very carefull not to injure themselves. On the other hand, by now they had every students attention; they were the youngest Quidditch players ever in history, all of the girls were after them. Even the press was following every step they made.

The big day had arrived and the Gryffindor team had never been more ready to win the Quidditch game. This year the teams that played were Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. First, both teams were given half of the field to warm up and practice. Then, ten minutes of break for each, before the game started. The whole school went to watch the game, even the press. The boys were very excited and nervous, they could not believe it was happening. Aaron saw Hagrid from the Gryffindor tent and waved at him. Some girls that were in front of Hagrid thought that Aaron was waving at them, they shouted of emotion and waved back.

It was the perfect day for the game. The sky was very blue and the weather in general was great. A horn sounded to let each team know that they had to be in their positions by now or the game would be canceled. When they were all settle the referee let out the balls. Three of the main defensers of Ravenclaw, two of the Gryffindor's and Camilo went after the quaffle to score the first ten points. As soon as this happened, the audience shouted of excitement.

While Aaron was watching the goal hoop, Camilo was trying to get a quaffle into the other team's goal hoop and Julian was waiting for the snitch to be released. A bludger approached Camilo but a beater of Gryffindor blocked it. On the other hand, Aaron was not failing at blocking any of the quaffles that came towards his goal hoops. The game was intense; twenty minutes later the Gryffindor team had made twenty points but the Ravenclaw team had not done any. Although, their tactics were stunning.

Both teams were exhausted. At this moment the referee released the snitch. The seeker of Ravenclaw and Julian quickly went after the snitch. Now all the atention was on them. Not even a single person of the audience was looking elsewhere.

Both of the seeker's broom were really fast and both of them were excellent seekers. They flew all over the field trying to get the snitch. At some point, they had to flight so high that no one could see them... Five minutes later they were seen coming down as fast as a lightning bolt with the snitch ahead of them. When they almost collide with the ground, the snitch and both of them pulled up and kept flying. The audience was amazed and shouted out of excitement.

Five minutes later, Julian had catch the snitch; the Gryffindor team was celebrating, shouting their name and the audience in favor of Gryffindor were going crazy as well as the players. The press were all over the players of the Gryffindor team. Even though the Ravenclaw team did not win, some of the paparazzi were interviewing some of the players because of their hard work. The team proved to be tough and to have a lot of good tactics. After several questions, the press took some photos of Aaron, Camilo and Julian, making them the main topic and putting them in the front page of the "Daily Prophet" calling them "The Youngest Trio". Everyone was amazed by their work because they were so young.

When everyone got their pictures with the trio and the teams; they went home, in exception of Aaron, Camilo and Julian. They went to Hagrid's hut to celebrate their championship because he helped them get in the team. To celebrate, Hagrid made butterbeer, which he gave to the trio in small cups. Then, the boys spoke for hours about their first semester, the second one and how amazing was that they were in the quidditch team and how lucky they were to win their first game. After long hours of chatting, the boys finally went to sleep.

The Witches DiariesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora