Jessie vs Yang's new mom

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(Y/n) Pov

DAMN IT!!!!!!I fucking said baka to Jessie.WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?!I felt someone tap on my shoulder.It was Ruby.

Ruby:Hey bro you ok?

(Y/n):Y-yeah.I was lost in thought.

Jessie:So what are you two?My mother said your not human.

Ruby:Your mother?

I froze up after Jessie said her mother.It felt like there was two more people here besides my team,me,and Jessie.

Ruby Pov

Ruby:Your mother?

Jessie:Is he ok?

I look over at (Y/n) to see if he was ok.

Ruby:(Y/n) are you ok?

(Y/n):I-I don't know.I feel cold.

Ruby:Maybe you need a jacket.

Jessie froze after (Y/n) felt cold.

Jessie:Ruby...Did any of your teammates feel on edge.

Ruby:Just my sister Yang.Why?

Jessie put her hands on her face like she was frustrated.


I didn't know what she ment.


Jessie Pov

I felt rage engulf my body.Then I heard something that made my heart melt.


Jessie:D-did you just call me m-mommy?

She nodded her head.I gently hugged Ruby,and she hugs me back.Then I remembered (Y/n),then I stopped hugging Ruby and walked over to (Y/n).I got on one knee to get eye level with (Y/n).

Jessie:You ok sweetie?


I picked up (Y/n) bridal style,and he was shivering really bad.

Jessie*worried*:Poor thing.Where is Yang?

Ruby:Back at the Cabin.Why?

Jessie:I need to talk to Yang.

(Timeskip to the Cabin and to Blake's Pov)

Blake Pov

I was watching Yang for four to five hours.Then she started to toss and turn.I decided that it was time to wake her up.She clawed at her arm drawing blood which kind of temped me,then a woman which kind of looked like Yang came out of her blood.

She clawed at her arm drawing blood which kind of temped me,then a woman which kind of looked like Yang came out of her blood

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I ducked under the bed after she came out.

Blake:'Holy shit!!!!'

I was scared and blushing at the same time.she walked out of the room and Yang woke up.

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