Chapter 6: madness or love?

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Maka's P.O.V
Ah Tuesday's. Don't you just hate them? Not as much as Monday's though! I made soul sleep on the couch last night. Nast time he was all over me in the middle of the night. Thing is he doesn't seem like he did when I first met him. He seems.......calmer. I wonder what's up with him? Anyway I'm sitting here in class and I'm SOOO bored. Stien is dissecting another animal. What is his obsession with that? Well I guess he is mad.
Normal P.O.V
Maka just sat there bored while soul put in the headphones he stole from the kid behind and played "patience" by guns n roses. "Hey this is actually pretty cool" he thought then Maka broke his thoughts. "Soul where'd you get those?" Eh. That guy" he reied pointing to a blonde haired loser known as hero. "Soul that's stealing! Give them back!" She nearly shouted. Soul just put them back in Heros bag and he never noticed a thing. The bell rang and they went to lunch. "Yahoo!!! Your God is here! Now you may eat!" Shouted the bluenette Blackstar. "Please we were already eating" Liz said. "Oh soul, by the way this is kid, Liz, and patty." Maka said gesturing towards a black haired boy with three white stripes and two blond haired girls. "Soul" soul simply said and continued eating his chicken like he's never eaten before. Maka hardly ate at all. Seeing meat only reminded her of how soul at those corpses. She began feeling sick again at the thought. Eventually school ended and they went home. Soul began leading Maka into the woods. "S soul where are we going?" She asked "you'll see" he said. They arrived at a small pond. "Huh? What's this?" Maka said confused. "Maka, somehow you've woken me up again. Thank you" he said then out of nowhere he did something she never thought would happen especially with soul......

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