No, no , no!!!'

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Ohayo minna! So I've decided to give you an extra long chapter as an apology for not updating in so long. Enjoy!

Souls P.O.V
Maka came back with every bone in her left arm broken. At this rate we'll be dead within a few days. The skin is slowly growing back on my arm although, if we ever make it out of here, It'll probably be infected from a bunch
Of dirt or whatever and I'll have to get it amputated. Pulling MAKA closer I sigh watching her sleep. I HAVNT gotten sleep at all since we got here. I also try not to touch her with my skinned arm. One it hurts and two she probably doesn't wanna be touched by it so I usually try to keep it by my side. I'm leaning against the corner of the cage with maka on my chest. I really do love her. I know I do. A guard came once again. He grabbed maka and threw her in a cage far away from mine. No. She's all I have. She's all I've ever had! "No! Please! Don't take her from me!" I began to beg him to let her stay with me but he just smirked and pulled me back into the room. I can't take much more of this. Why won't we just die?! Why can't humans be more fragile. Geez. I used to think we already were!!! The man sqeezed my cheeks forcing my mouth open. I tried to shake him off but to no avail. He only sqeezed harder. He had another guy pull out my tongue so it was sticking out. No. God no. Then the guy sqeezing me stuck the cold blood covered scissors in my mouth. The same ones used to gauge out my eye. He then snipped off my tongue as far back and he could reach. I began to cough up blood. It hurt. Bad. If not strapped down again I'd be on my hands and knees right now. As I was Coughing up more blood he laugh. He began to pull off my fingernails. Seriously kill me. Death is better than this. I JUST WANT TO DIE. I struggled trying to reach for something. Anything that could kill me. But I just cant. My wrists are bound. Suddenly he grinned a large Cheshire Cat grin. Oh no. That's the same one I saw when he gouged out my eye. He began to remove my underwear which is the only piece of clothing I have any more. Please. God don't let him do this. Who am I kidding there is no God! If there was people like this wouldn't exist!!! He then cut off my manhood.
Kids P.O.V
I'm Flying over the forest while Blackstar and Tsubaki search on ground. At the top of a mountain I notice this building. Its black and relatively small. I fly over to it but a man comes out so I hide in a tree. He wears a white lab coat covered in blood. Disgusting. That bloods not even symmetrical. Could this be where soul and maka are? I cautiously fly over to the back entrance I found. Making my skateboard dissapear I sneak into the complex. I had Liz and patty stay home. Patty has had a fever so Liz needs to take care of her it's just me. Walking in I find what seems to be the kitchen. It's full of meat. I'm not sure from what though. That's when I notice a jar on the counter. I walk over to it and look inside. The jar contains a kind of green liquid and.....,an eye!!! It's red. Blood red. It''s souls! Oh no. I covered my mouth to keep from throwing up. They're dead aren't they? I know a few tears fall as I begin to slowly head back out the door. But that's when I hear a scream. It was low like a man. Maybe it was soul. I guess there is the possibility he's still alive. Then the man from earlier walks in. I hide. He walks to the jar and pulls out what I believe to be is skin. He reaches in his pocket and pulls out a tongue as well. Carefully. He wraps both in separate pieces of that skin. Then......he eats it. I can't hold it in. I throw up in my mouth yet I still keep it covered. I can't afford to blow my cover. Reluctantly I swallow it up and nearly pile again from having to swallow my own puke. Once he's finished with his cannabalistic sand which he leaves. Discreetly I follow him. He goes to a room with a few cages. Most are empty but one. It contains a girl with what I think used to be blonde hair. She looks like maka I think. It's hard to tell with all the dried blood. He drags her into a separate room as a boy is pulled out unconcious. He's tossed into the cage. Wait that's soul!!! I sneak to the cage. He's gone and I reach my hand through the bars and check his pulse. He's gone. I feel more tears fall as I hide and wait for maka to return. When she finally does the men leave and I check her unconcious body for a pulse as well. Nothing. They're gone. Dead. More tears as I pick them up. I get maka on my back and carry soul in my arms. I can't believe they're dead. More tears fall as I manage to make it out of that place. I'll kill them. I'll avenge my friends!!!!! Filled with rage I fly back to the dwma where I meet everyone. Even patty Though she's using Liz for support. They all smile when they see I found soul and maka. But their smiles quickly turn to frowns when they realize.
Blackstars P.O.V
There's no way they can't be dead. No one can die without saying goodbye to a star as big as me! That's. That's impossible! Tsubaki falls to the ground in year but I just don care. Right now all I can think about is soul and maka. They can't be dead. They never even said goodbye!! I begin to protest but Tsubaki shuts me up and cries into my chest. I submit, for just this once, and rub her back crying as well. My best friends. Soul eater evans. And maka albarn are dead. That just can't be right.
It's two days after kid found soul and maka. We're at their funeral. I just can't believe they actually died. And to think that it's because they were tortured. They were literally tortured to death.
Dead. Soul is dead. Maka is dead. My head can't wrap around that. No they're not dead. They're not. I cry once more mourning for my lost friends. They were even starved. Both of them as pale as a ghost and skinnier than the worst case of anorexia. They probably died of starvation mostly. How horrible.
Kids P.O.V
I made sure their coffins where symmetrical. Soul and maka are to be buried next to each other. It's such a tragedy. I can't believe this.
Lizs P.O.V
Party's is sick. My two best friends are dead. No. No. No!!!!! This can't be possible! How?!
Party's P.O.V
Normally I'd laugh and stuff but today I cry. My best friends are dead. I cough some. And I'm sick. How did things go so wrong? They're lowering the coffins into the holes when suddenly we all hear a girls voice scream "WAIT"

Told you it'd be long
Your welcome!

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