Finally together

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Maka's P.O.V
Soul and I are getting better. We're finally starting to look like we eat again. It's been a week and Stien still hasn't finished those prothsetics. I can take care of myself so crona has stopped helping us. Soul is freaking useless without an arm. Sometimes he just gets flat out lazy. I still give in probably because he doesn't have an arm....or tongue. I miss his voice. I can't wait to hear it again. As of right now I'm getting his A LOT of pudding. Because he has no tongue it's about all he can eat. He's constantly eating because of it. The fridge is nothing but pudding applesauce, etc., with the exception of milk. I hand him his pudding and he smiles at me flashing his shark teeth. I think he mouthed the words thank you. I sat next to him and he scooted closer to me. There was no space left between our thighs. The fact that he only has one arm also makes it hilarious when he tries to eat. He has to squeeze the cup and try and suck the food out. I have to help him but sometimes I watch him try to do it himself. He looked at me with pleading eyes. "Oh soul no ones around but me and I'm not gonna judge you on how you have to eat." On the outside. "So just eat alright?" He nodded and began to eat. I mentally laughed. I know it sounds mean but if you could see it you'd laugh too. He looks like an idiot. "Alright give it here" I said taking it and grabbing a spoon. Then I fed him. Like he's a baby. At first it was awkward but now it's just normal. We're used to it. After we finished he pulled me into his chest. " you've come a long way soul. From completely insane to this" I said. Suddenly he kissed me. I kissed back. I love him. I love soul eater evans so FRICKING much.

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