I decided to close the store earlier so I could get to the school earlier. I need to do some research on that little brat.

I got to the school and sat in my little office thing. Its just a fucking desk stop trying to make me special author. (Oi don't break the fourth wall

Ukai: I'm older than you ill do what I want

Shut up or ill kill you off

(Y/n): both of you shut up or ill pull a bad ass move and Judi chop both of yall to hell *silence* thank you)

Anyways, as i was doing research I came across an article of the brat I met earlier. Apparently she is a volleyball prodigy from a school called 'Ace high' in America where all the players have their own number and suit (you know the symbols on the cards). She goes by the Joker of the court because of the tricks she would play on the other team, sometimes even playing tricks on her own team.

Another thing I learned about her is that no one knows what she looks like. She always wears a Hoodie so her hair is hidden and always wears a mask so no one can see her face. A thought suddenly came through my head.

'Hmmm I want my team and I to be the first ones to ever see her face. I'll try and make a deal with her.'

She is also super smart and was at the top of her classes back in America so I assume she was put in class 5. Time to put my thinking cap on.

~wow first real time skip in this book so far even though its only a few hours ahead also still ukais pov~

The final bell rang for the day and I made my way to the gym. As i made my way there I was going over the plan in my head.

Step 1: go up to her and ask what it will take for her to show my team and i her face.

See thats a full proof plan. I can't wait to see how this plays out. I walked in the gym and noticed all the second years talking amongst each other.

"OI SECOND YEARS WHAT'RE YALL GOSSIPING ABOUT OVER THERE?!?!" They all jump at my voice but then relax when they see it was me and not Daichi.

"Oh we're just talking about this rumor of a new foreign exchange student in our year and how she is really smart and how everyone wants to know what she looks like." Ennoshita answered me and I smirked.

"Um coach what are you smirking about?" He asked me.

"Oh nothing just something you all will love." And as if on que the little brat walked through the gym doors.

"Excuse me? Is this the boys volleyball club?" She then noticed me and 'smirked'.

"Nevermind I just found the answer to my question. Hello coach." She walked up to me and then looked at all the guys on the court.

"Huh you didn't tell me it was going to be a sausage fest after school." She said it so non chalantly.

I choked on my spit and looked at her in shock and as if she was crazy.
"What the hell you cant just walk in here come right next to me and just say something like that!! Thats weird!!"

"Well I just did and also its not weird, it's completely normal it's called teenage girl hormones." She was still talking about all of this like she has these conversations all the time. And quite frankly,  I think she does.

After a while of the boys practicing and non stop talking about the girl, I decided to put my plan into action. I made my way up to her as she was giving pointers to Freckles and tapped her on the shoulder.

"Yeah whats up old man?" She said as she turned to look at me. My eyebrow twitched in annoyance but I just brushed it off.

"I need to speak to you over there please, it's important." She raises her eyebrows at me but follows anyways.

"So what is it?" She asks as we sit down on the bench.

"I'll make a deal with you. If you show us what you really look like, hair and all ill do something in return." She 'smirked' as I said this.

"Hmmm ok, If I do this you have to go on a date with my auntie." She holds out her hand for a shake and I hesitantly shake it. I mean its only one date not like there will be more.

She gets up as i do too. I call all the boys over and they get around us.

"Ok guys if you haven't noticed already we will have a new addition to the team. Her name is Jankowski Gericka." As I said this a bunch of murmurs went around and I smirked and continued. "As you may have found out by now, yes she is the volleyball prodigy from America. The one who no one knows what she looks like. Well thats all about to change. After making a deal with her she has agreed to show us all what she looks like." All the guys started to get fidgety. "Go ahead Geri." I say my smirk not going away.

She then takes off her hoodie revealing the school uniform underneath. When she does this her hair falls to its normal length....all the guys jaws dropped including mine for we have never seen someone's hair so long. Her hair literally drags behind her on the floor.

After everyone calmed down and payed attention to her again she moved to her mask. Just as she was about to take it off she turned around and said she wanted it to be a surprise. The boys all groaned but that got cut short when she turned around.

What happened next made me laugh so hard. Tanaka and Nishinoya ended up fainting while everyone else (besides king saltysorous rex) looked like they were about to. Though my laughter got cut short when she turned to me and spoke a few words.

"You know, you didn't have to make a deal with me you could have just asked me and I would've said yes, but oh well. Also here is my aunties number. You better text her tonight or I will find you tomorrow and make you text her." She then put everything back on much to the guys disappointment and then she grabbed her bag and left after winking at the recovering Tanaka making him almost faint again.

I look down at the small paper in my hands and I sigh. But then I hear Suga say something.

"Wow coach you finally have a girlfriend? Is that what the deal was between you two....she shows us what she looks like and you go on a date with her aunt?" I nodded my head telling him he nailed it on the dot and then the whole team started making fun of me saying how I was growing up so fast but I just ignored them.

I left and made it home and set eveything down and went to my room. As i went in there I grabbed my phone with one thought in mind.

'I hope she won't be so annoying when we text....'

Annoying Pair (Keishin Ukai x reader)Where stories live. Discover now