𝒙𝒊. bounty

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THE FIRST DAPHNE WONDERED WAS 'WHAT THE HELL IS LYDIA'S MOTHER DOING HERE?'. Daphne stood above at the guard tower along with her father and looked down at the masked people and chills ran down her spine just looking down at them.

Kelly had gotten up and looked for Connie since she had hidden in the cornfield and they left her behind. Tara looked below. "Our community is more than capable of defending itself!"

"I show you my face because we mean you no harm. I just want my daughter. I know you have her." The leader, Alpha, stated. "You should turn around. Leave now and no one gets hurt." Daryl suggested to the woman but she shook her head. "Wrong answer." Alpha told and raised her hand, making more masked people come towards the gates.

Daphne glances over at her father. What were they supposed to do?

As this had gone on, Enid had finished her check-up with Earl, since he hurt his hand working. The grumpy man obviously decided to keep working and Tammy Rose had walked Enid out. "Appreciate you coming by... and putting up with Earl's crabbing."

Enid chuckles, "I get it. This work's important to him." Tammy shrugs, "It ain't just that. In all the years since our Kenneth has passed, it's been his way to fill the empty, you know? Alden being gone, I think it just brought it all back."

Enid nodded. "Yeah, uh... Earl's always been a father to him... to both of us. And to Lark. He's pretty worried about Alden, too." She explained. It was true, since Lark had found out the news of his best friend and Luke going missing, he worried about them. Alden was his best friend and they were best friends since day one. If something happened to him, he would just break. And Enid would as well.

Even if they had been together for a month now, she still cared about him and perhaps... maybe she was falling in love with him. She hated admitting it, since she and Jordan were together for a while. And seeing her again... it brought back so many feelings. But she was confused. Did she still love Jordan or did she love Alden?

"Don't you lose hope, you hear me?" Tammy tells the girl. "Alden will turn up. A million things could've happened, all right?" Enid nodded and smiled a little. "Yeah."

Enid had noticed the group of people who looked anxious and Daphne up at the guard tower. Marco had been walking past her and she looked down at him since she was a step higher near Earl and Tammy's house.  "Hey, Marco, what's happening?" She questioned.

Marco looks at her. "The ones that killed Jesus... they're here." He informed.

Up at the post, Kelly searched for Connie through her binoculars. "They don't see her. Least not yet." Kelly informed. Jordan looks over at Daphne and mutters: "What do we do? Do we give her to 'em?"

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