All the Slender Brothers

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I munch on my boston baked beans as I walk down the dingy hallways randomly scraping dried blood off of the walls. I mouth a song to myself and skip down the stairs. I walk into the kitchen to see Slender cooking. I get a cup of water and-

"Why did you run?" I stop and turn back to him.

"I thought you found out how to make clones of yourself and that is too much for me to handle."

"You ran because you are scared of clones?"

"Yes, something is always wrong with carbon copies." I stare at the floor with wide eyes as if I know. BUT I don't.

"You will have to meet them sometime."

"Your siblings?" I smile devilishly and lean on him casually as if I'm not interested. "Sooooo, what are the things that freak them out? Annoy them? SCARE them even? Hmmm?"

He moves and I tumble to the ground.

"Your antics do not work on us, we are dark forces."

"And I am part of the lollipop Gil, everyone is bothered by something. And in this household it is usually Love."

Slender sighs annoyed.

"Why would you say that?"

I grab his arm and drag him to the main living room. I go behind Jack and yell.

"LOVE!" He jumps and then turns to glare at me. With his eyeless glare. I giggle and gesture at Jack but Slender has already walked away. "You can have my kidney's when I die. K?"

"I am so close to killing you myself."

I walk back into the kitchen but Slender pushes me out on my butt. I sit there for a while sitting on the floor.

"I don't have my cup."

A plastic cup bounces out of the kitchen. I growl and swipe it up now walking to the basement to get a cup of water. I drink it and sigh.


I jump and L.J. laughs his feathers shaking with him.

"I am offended! How could you do this L.J.! I a poor soul can not take this fear."

I put my hand to my heart acting as dramatic as I can. He giggles.

"Sorry Gumdrop you were just here and I was here! You shouldn't be in dark spaces if you can't handle it."

"Oh the dark is fine it is just clowns who jump out of nowhere that frighten me."

"What a shame to be me!" He acts dramatically and I giggle. I rush upstairs and see Just Dance I squee and tense up shaking wildly. I run over and see Jane drinking something with a straw.

"Hey where did you get that?"

"Kitchen." I pout.

"Slender threw a cup at me and made me get my water from the basement."

She laughs and Clocky shoves her.

"Shut up, I need this to be as quiet as I can make it." She video tapes it.

"So what's going on?" I look at Jeff, Liu, Dark and Jason the Toy Maker all dancing furiously.

"I asked who the better dancer was because it is a proven fact that a guy who has the best dance moves has the bigger dick." A girl with a pink and blue outfit and clown attire smiles at me.

"Who are you?" I say smiling.

"Candy Cane. My friends call me Cane."

"Atarah everyone calls me M."

"That makes no sense." She states with a smile.

"I rarely do." I smile back and she locks her arm in mine.



We smile and turn our grins back to the guys dancing wildly.

"What is going on in here?" I look up to see Slender in a brown vest and a green shirt. He wear glasses and stands with poise and sass that only he could muster.

I gape and point Clocky smacks my hand out of her camera frame. I rub my fingers and continue to stare. Is he Slender? Just a fancy version? He seems to have class and something like that. He seems to turn to me, he cocks his head to the side and I do the same. He crosses his arms and I see his brows furrow.

"I like you. Your attire is the best in this house."

"Oh, thank you!"

"Come with me." He grabs my arm and yanks me behind him. I complain.


"I have an outfit."

"I have some too, AND?!"

He spins me into his room and I gape. It is two times the size of mine with a work table full of designs and fabric. Sketches hang from wall to wall. Clothes are on a three teir clothes hanger. The walls are white and the floor a shiny black marble. I cross my arms, I want that floor.

"Names Trender darling and you are?"

"A Veronica Sawyer."

He turns to me with an eyeless gaze.

"You don't look like a Veronica."

"Because physically I'm not." I smile.

He walks up to me, examining me.

"Perfect teeth and a symmetrical face. You could lose a few pounds."

"K thanks."

I walk to the door, he grabs my hand and pulls me back. I sigh and he wipes his hands after touching me. He grabs a box and holds it out to me. I gasp cheerfully and throw the top of the box off. I look at the green and black dress.

"I usually don't give out dark colors to this damn place, but with your tan skin it should complement you."

"Thank you." I smile and he waves me away. "You know you may be rude but you are kind. Ta!"

I run out before he can turn around. I giggle and look at the dress. I smile and speed up and run face first into a chest.

I flop on the ground holding my nose.

"Oh dear, are you okay?"

"I seem to be a clutz today." I smile and look up my smile disappears when I see three other Slender Clones. "Uh, hi."

I give them my cocky smile and stand holding out my hand.

"I'm a Megera."

"Splendorman! And this is Masque, and Tender."

"Tender? I thought it was Trend-"


I smile and point at each and say their names under my breath. I sigh they don't seem that bad.

"I gotta run because I am not prepared for a conversation. Have a good day!"

I run past them and sigh content with having met all of the Slender brothers.

Slender Mansion's Mischeif MakerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora