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Have you ever just laid on a couch with headphones on enjoying life? Then someone throws you off of the couch by your wrists having you plop onto the rough rug next to the table? Well shit you don't know what you are missing!

I stand up and frown at BEN and Dark.


"You were in the way."

"Yeah we are ACTUALLY going to use the TV." They switch the channel and the input to start their games.

"Hey! Fart faces! I was watching that!"

"You were watching My Little Pony and the Mystical Island?" BEN raises a brow and smirks knowing he has me.

I cross my arms.

"Yes, I was. Now give me the remote." I lunge for it but he tosses it to Dark who mocks me. "Fine, wanna play that way?"

"Yeah." They both say in unison.

"Fine, now I'm the bad guy." I walk out glaring at them. I walk out the front door past Slender who sits on the front porch drinking some tea reading a book.

"Good evening Atarah."

"And a chip chip cheerio of the morning to you good Sir!"

He sighs.

"Royalty and still and imbecille." I frown at that and grab the water hose that is never used. I walk back to the door. "What are you doing?"

I kick open the door and see BEN and Dark's eyes on me. I smile widely.


I turn on the nozzle on high power and shoot them both. They both screech and I laugh maniacally. The hose soon gets turned off I shake the hose and nothing happens. I see two drenched Elves who look pissed. I smile nervously.


They run at me and I scream running up the stairs.

"Atarah!" I hear Slender yell angrily.

I scream now in cruel joy. Someone walks into the hallways and I hit them we tumble down the hallway and I keep rolling until I hit the wall. My eyesight is spinning. I shake my head and see BEN and Dark laughing their asses off and an angry EJ.

"M WTF?"

"Sorry Jack you know what, when I die you can have my kidneys as payment."

"I might just kill you." He pulls put a scalpel and I laugh and run down another hallway. Jane's door swings open and I dive in.

I smile at her as she closes the door. I landed on her beanbag and smile slyly.

"Hey I was just looking for you!"

"No kidding." She rolls her eyes not believing me. "Slender is pissed."

"Why do you say that?" I ask innocently

"What did you do?"

"Nothing much!" I state innocently. "I just sprayed Dark and BEN with some water."

She smiles a little.

"If it is a little bit then why is Slender at the door?"

"He's not at the-" the door swings open to an annoyed Slender. I get up and smile sheepishly. "Ah, Slender you aren't supposed to be there."

I slide past him quickly and take off but he yanks my back from the collar of my shirt. I land on my back. Ouch.

"You flooded the main room."

"I just meant to attack BEN and Dark!"

He lifts me up and I look around and see the room is a shallow pond.

"You seemed to have failed."

"No I got them alright." I giggle to myself. He drops me into the water. I stand up haistly. My shorts are all soaked now. I frown.

"I am expecting company this better be cleaned up by then."

"But how am -" he disappears- "goblin turds."

Toby starts splashing Masky playfully, who in turn tackles Toby into the water. Hoodie and I smile and cheer on the opposing fight. We accumulated a crowd and Slender came back down to split it up. Everyone disappeared and he forced the four of us to clean out all of the water.

By six the room had no water in it. We hung the rug on the back porch to dry off and shoved the cushions in the dryer. At least the floors are all nice and clean.

I decide to just watch some TV and relax. I need to be on my gaurd. Why you may ask? Because people here are sneaky. Slender appears downstairs I scream and then play it cool.

"Did I scare you?"

"I farted." He gives me a WTF look and I blush and nod. "Just a big ol' fart not a scream."

He turns away from me and I facepalm. I snicker into my hands and he opens the door and his clones walk in. I feel my eyes go wide and I slink behind the couch. They talk loudly to each other.

"Atarah- where did she go?"

I run down the hall in a full blown sprint. If there is something I am good at, it is running away. I see Masky and run to him.


"Atarah?" He looks at me and moves out of my way. I try to stop and end up falling on my face. I stand up immediately.

"Slender has clones!"

"He has what?" Hoodie sticks his head out of his room straightening out his yellow hoodie.

"Clones! They just have different clothes and-"

"Atarah shut up." I shut my mouth and Masky's mask seems to be trying to calm me down.

My heart is racing. One Slender is WOW. Multiple is crazy. I didn't know he liked himself that much.

"Have you ever heard of siblings."

"Duh." I say furrowing my brows.

"Okay well super strong ethereal beings can also have siblings. Like Slenderman."

I ponder that for a minute. I turn to Masky.

"Not possible."

"What?" Masky says annoyed.

"That would mean Slender would have parents and his parents died when he was just becoming a teenager. If he has siblings how were they born-"

"He is the oldest."

I act like I understand and point at Masky with a smile.

"Riiiiiiight." I skip away to tell Jill what I have just found out.

I bang on her door and see her holding rope. I smile and take it.

"Thank you, did you know Slender has brothers that look just like him?" She takes the rope back.

"Apparently you didn't see ALL of them."

She skips past me. I stand there confused.

"Wait Jill, how many are there!?"


Hey-o so this is going to be kinda light hearted and fun. I am feeling super inspired, hope you are having a great day! Treat yourself♡


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