Let's Play Soccer

Start from the beginning

"Debbie," she tested the name out slowly before shaking her head in disapproval, "It sounds too informal."

"Fine call me Deborah," I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at her formalness. She was the matrons assistant, a bit of warm to compliment the matrons cold attitude.

"Deborah," she smiled slightly, "I see that you and Nicole are the only girls left in your year," she informed me.

"Who is Nicole?"

"That'll be me," someone stated from behind me. I turned around to see the same girl from the restroom, the one who had insinuated Raymond's reason for breaking up with Michie.

She was now leaning against the wall next to the dorm room 12, a banana sign plastered at the front, and from her relaxed maneover I'm guessing she must have been observing us for quite some time.

She wore a plain black short sleeved shirt with a red and black striped skaters skirt. She wrapped her red curls in a messy bun and tied a red bandana around her edges. Leather boots adorned her feet.

Walking towards us she folded her arms defensively as she stared harshly at the matrons assistant.

"Um," the woman cleared her throat uncomfortably as she shifted her attention back to me, "As I was saying if you need anything, my door is always open."

Luckily, the school had provided them with their own private mini apartment situated next to our hostel.

"I do need something," she looked at me expectantly, "I kind of forgot your name." My brain wasn't really good at registering names, but I do quite well in remembering faces, at least I hope I do.

"Evelyn," she chuckled out, before quickly regaining her composure and speaking more strictly, "Ms. Rivers to you," I could still see the small smile she tried to hide by flattening her lips.

After that she left Nicole and I alone in the hallway. I turned to Nicole with a beaming smile, stretching my hand out. "Debbie," I formally introduced myself.

"I know," is all she said, speculating my outstretched hand. Seeing that she wasn't going to shake it, I slowly brought it back to my side.

"And you're Nicole," I stated. Her calculating eyes made me uncomfortable, she didn't seem outgoing and I had no idea how to communicate with her.

"I know." She raised her bushy eyebrow at my statement.

Silence, that's what followed.

She didn't seem mean, just unresponsive, like ghost readers on an online book app.

I walked to the common room and she followed, making me even more agitated.

Trying my best to ignore her, I skimmed the room till something caught my attention on the notice board, something I hadn't seen before.

A poster for soccer tryouts was displayed among other activities, and I went closer to take a better look.

Soccer Tryouts for the IK Soccer Team.
Time: Saturday from 11am to 3pm
Venue: Football field

Why was a poster for boys hung visibly in the girls hostel?

"You play soccer." I looked up at her excitedly, thinking we finally had something in common.

Nodding, I showed her the poster, "Do you?"

Taking it from me, she scanned the paper before giving me a blunt reply, "No."

Slumping in defeat, I took the paper back from her, "Oh." Usually I'm better at making conversation but the way she always seems to be observing someone made me anxious.

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