game plan

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"Ok. Ok, uh... just spitballing ideas here, but m-maybe you can distract the janitor and y/n can steal his keys?"
Me and Syd looked at each other and knew what to do.
"We need someone who has... boobs."

your p.o.v (narrative)

Syd went back into the gym to get Dina, while me and Stan waited for her in the hallway. We stood in awkward silence for a while until Stan spoke up. "So, you have boobs." I laughed in confusion. "Uh, yeah, thanks for noticing." I said in a sarcastic tone, Stan shook his head with a small smile. "No, I meant that when Syd said we needed someone with boobs, we could've used you." I furrowed my eyebrows and smiled at him. "I would never try to seduce the janitor though." I said with a laugh. Stan looked down in embarrassment. "Oh, y-yeah, I know t-that it's just-"

Syd came back out of the gym with a very confused looking Dina. We all stood just looking around at each other until Dina broke the silence again. "Somebody gonna say something or..." She asked with a smile as she rocked back and forth on her feet. Stan looked at me and Syd and then back at Dina. "We- We need your help getting the keys to the principal's office." I nodded at Dina and continued with Stan's 'plan.' "So we can steal some security camera footage." Dina snorted and had a puzzled smile on her face. "What? You're serious?" We all nodded and Dina's smile died down. "Um... why? What's on the tape? What did you guys do?" Dina asked with a smug smile as she crossed her arms. We hadn't really thought of what to say.

Syd looked up at me and Stan and then to Dina. "Well, the truth is... Stan and y/n had sex in the library and it's... it's all on tape." Me and Stan turned to Syd with our eyebrows cocked and eyes widened, she just looked back at us with an apologetic look on her face. "What?" Dina asked, looking even more confused now. We all collectively nodded at her, she looked down at me and shook her head with a small smile. "No way." Stan nodded at her again with a serious face. "Dead serious. It was right there in the library. We sixty-nined and everything."


third person's p.o.v (narrative)

Dina walked into the classroom that the janitor was currently cleaning. She had rolled up her shirt, so it sort of highlighted her boobs and she had a very flirty smile spread across her lips. "Excuse me. Carl, is it? I was wondering if you could help me with, like, a little problem I have." The janitor sighed and didn't look very convinced, but he did fall right into the teens' trap. "Guess that depends on the problem." Dina continued her scene. "Um, you see, I'm such a ditz. I think I locked my backpack in sixth period by mistake 'cause I'm such a ditz. Sorry, I already said that. I-" She said, laughing softly. The janitor stopped mopping and looked up at Dina with a small smile.

"And you want the key to that room? I'm not supposed to do that." Dina stood there not knowing what to do. "Um... Do you think we could make an exception?" She asked and then dropped the pencil she was fiddling with from the desk. "Sorry, I'll just..." She picked it up, smiling at the janitor. "All right, stop. Please, just... stop." The janitor said with a chuckle and sigh. "Now, first off, I'm married. Secondly, I'm gay. I find your behavior to be a little bit offensive, and not just to me. To you." Dina stopped smiling and slowly nodded at him. "Yeah, ri- you're right." The janitor cleared his throat and pulled the keys out of his pocket. "Just try asking politely next time." Dina nodded and walked towards him to grab the keys. "I'm gonna need 'em back in 20." The janitor said, raising his eyebrows at Dina. "Yes, Carl... sir. Mr. Carl. Ok." The janitor continued mopping and Dina walked out pulling down her shirt.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2020 ⏰

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