holding out for a hero

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No one's p.o.v. (narrative)

Stan had a lot of tests and obstacles prepared to test Syd's powers, he was going to have her knock downs bowling pins, soda cans, pop the popcorn kernels, but none of those really worked. Syd tried and tried, but she just couldn't get it out.

your p.o.v. (narrative)

"Okay," Stan said.
"So how does it normally happen? Like, after Ricky's party? Like, what- what was your mindset?"
"I didn't have a mindset."
Stan sighed.
"Okay, but were you just having fun, and then you just blew down some trees, or..."
I noticed that Syd's facial expression changed.
"I, um... kinda... kissed someone at the party."
"Ok, and did this cause you any kind of distress or uneasiness?"
"I actually... kissed someone who didn't want to be kissed. And I felt like an idiot. It almost always comes out when I'm angry. Or embarrassed. Or- or scared. So yeah, I guess you could say it caused a bit of distress."
Stan looked back at where I was sitting and nodded his head, as if I understood his little signal, but I still stood up when he did. Stan helped Syd up from the ground and asked me to get behind her, just in case.

"I think I know why they didn't kiss you back. Because you're incredibly ugly."
My eyes widened in shock of what Stan had just said. I silently scoffed, but then realized by the smug smile on Stan's face, that this was another test.
"Repulsive, actually. And I'm not even counting the zits."
I tried to watch Syd and catch if her body language had changed at all to see if it was working.
"You know, I- I see what you're doing, Stan."
I could tell it wasn't since she chuckled a bit while saying that but then Stan cut her off.
"And you wanna know something that's even more embarrassing than being ugly? Flunking biology. Which you are most definitely going to do. I mean, Martin Ganza passed biology. And he thinks cyborgs staged the moon landing."
"Ok, so I'm ugly. I'm dumb. Wait, is that all you got?" She chuckled again.
"Do you wanna know the scary thing? You're never gonna figure this out. You'll never know what the hell's going on inside you. Or what the hell's wrong with you."
I noticed Syd tensed up a bit, so I nodded at Stan to signal that it's working. He noticed and nodded back. He continued to talk.
"And that's gonna eat you up inside. You'll never have answers, and that's gonna haunt you for as long as you live. And that's gonna suck. Yeah, it will."
The bowling balls started rattling, Stan and I noticed at the same time.
"But nothing will ever suck as much as your shitty family."
As soon as Stan said those words I began to shake my head as a way so he can stop because I knew that this was what was going to push Syd over the edge. But Stan didn't listen.

The bowling balls began to float and a look of worry grew on Stan's face, mine as well.
"For starters, lets talk about your dad. I hear he didn't even leave a note. And do you wanna know something? You'll never know why he killed himself."
"Stan." I whispered.
He looked at me, and suddenly the bowling balls flew towards Stan.
I gasped and covered my eyes, afraid if Stan could've gotten hit or not. Until I heard something fall, I uncovered my eyes and saw that the bowling balls were lodged in the wall. Syd looked back at the rack and then up at me, with a look of pure fear on her face.
Stan didn't even seem phased about the fact that he almost died.
"Holy shit! That was awesome!"
I shook my head in disappointment. Stan tried to give me and Syd high fives, but was immediately met with something else.
"Fuck you!"
"S- what? Syd, I- I didn't mean any of that! I just- I was just trying- I mean, it worked."
"Stan, you could've died!" I yelled. Syd turned back at me and then back to Stan with a very aggressive nod.
"I mean, I could've killed you just now! We're through. I'm done."
"What- no I-"
Syd left very upset.

Stan was also pretty mad with himself.
"Nice goin' bud." He whispered to himself.
He walked over to the tower of soda cans and knocked them over, I flinched. I had never seen him mad before. But then as soon as he knocked them over he became the same Stan again and a smile grew on my face. He looked at me and sighed.
"Oh. Now we gotta clean these up."
"What do you mean 'we'? That's all yours, bud."
He looked at me with sad eyes, but realized I actually wasn't going to help.
"Fine. I'll do it myself."
"Well, that's what you get. I did tell you to stop."
"Hey, at least it's a start."
"I guess, but there were different ways to do it."
"Ok, ok."
"Say it." I said in a singsong tune.
"Alright, alriiight! You were right." he mumbled.
"What was that? I couldn't quite hear you."
"You were right." He said with a smile.
I laughed and decided to help him after all.

No one's p.o.v. (narrative)

Syd began to walk home in anger, but little did she know that someone or something was watching her.

✰ 𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒂 𝒔𝒑𝒆𝒂𝒌𝒔! ✰: spooky, right? hope you enjoyed this chapter, i may be able to post another one today!

936 words

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