and then i go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like 'i love you'

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"Ok... listen, I'm going to tell you something, but you have to promise not to tell anybody!"
"Okieeee, I kinda like Stanley."

Stan's p.o.v. (narrative)

"Wait, really?"
"Yup." y/n said popping the 'p'.
"Well, he told me that he likes you too."
"Yeah right! He likes Syd, they had sex yaknow?"
"No, he likes you. He thought he liked Sydney, but he was wrong."
"Ok..." She said unsure and pulled out... ritz crackers?
"Where did- nevermind."
I got back in the front seat and began to drive again until something ran in front of my car. I stopped and told y/n I was going to check it out.
"Okieeee, be careful love..." she said munching on another cracker. I chuckled at the nickname and random snack, then walked into the forest. I saw Syd, but then all of a sudden she screamed 'fuck' really loud and all of the trees fell.

your p.o.v. (narrative)

I was waiting for my hero in the backseat and snacking on some ritz when I looked out the window and saw Syd and my new friend. Friend was behind Syd, when all of a sudden all of the pwetty twees fell down (a/n: remember you're drunk lol) That was crazy, she's like a superhero! Friend and Syd were talking about something, but then Friend came back and I had to pretend to be asleep.

Stan's p.o.v. (narrative)

We finally got to my house and went inside. We went to my room and y/n asked if I had weed.
"Uh yeah, why?"
"What do you mean 'why'? Lets get highhhh!"
"Um ok."


So, basically me and y/n got high. Like really high. But what happened next really shocked me. She kissed me.
The kiss surprised, but I didn't not like it...
I kissed back and the simple little kiss turned into a full on make out session. Things got pretty heated. While we were making out, I unzipped her dress and she slipped it off faster than you could say 'hot dog jumping frog albuquerque.' She was running her fingers through my hair and giggled.
"You know, you have hair just like Stan's."
"Heh yeah."
She quickly pulled me back into the kiss and tugged on my shirt as a signal to take it off. I did as she asked and we got off the floor and moved to my bed. I laid her down on the bed and was above her, we continued making out until we both eventually got tired and laid down. (a/n: no smut today, satan!)
"I love you y/n y/l/n."
"mMmM I love you too Stan."
Wait, what? Does she know it's me or did she imagine it was me, but doesn't know it's actually me?
She instantly fell asleep and after a bit, so did I.


your p.o.v. (narrative)

I woke up with a massive headache... and I was not in my room, and I was also in nothing but my underwear! I looked around the random room I was in and saw mine and someone else's clothes scattered around the room, the room seemed strangely familiar for some reason... I looked at the person next to me and realized that I was in Stanley Barber's room. And Stan was shirtless. I screamed and then Stan woke up screaming.
"Oh God, it's just you. What's wrong?"
"What do you mean 'What's wrong?' Did we..." I emphasized my hand movements to sorta signal what I meant.
"Oh God, no! I mean not that I wouldn't have liked to. Not that I would take advantage of you while you were drunk and high! But um, we just made out and stuff..."
"Oh, thank God! I was not ready to lose my virginity!"
"You should have seen the look on your face!" Stan laughed. I punched him in the arm.
"Ow! I'm sorry, ok? It was just really funny!"
"Hey, Stan..."
"What about Syd?"
"Oh um, I don't know. I really like you, so I don't really know how to tell her..."
"Well, what are we?"
"Well, maybe we can go to homecoming together and maybe a couple dates...?"
"Sure! I'd like that!"
"Ok! Well, we should probably get dressed."
I turned red as I realized that I was really close to Stan practically naked. I covered my chest with my arms and brought my knees up to my chin in embarrassment.
"You know, you don't have to be embarrassed, You have a really beautiful body."
I blushed at Stan's statement and thanked him.
"Turn around, I'm going to get dressed."
"I literally just saw you in your bra and underwear!"
"I know, but I don't want you to watch me! So either cover your eyes or turn around."
"Alright, alriiiight."

Stan's p.o.v. (narrative)

I know y/n asked me not to look, but I couldn't help myself. She was just so beautiful. I moved my fingers a bit so I could see through them. She slipped on her dress, but she struggled to zip it up. I walked up to her and helped.
"I told you not to look! But thanks."
"You're so pretty, I couldn't control myself, and you're welcome." I said smirking.
"Well, uh... I should go. Bye Stan." She said as she walked to my bedroom door.
"Bye y/n. See ya later?"
"Yeah, see ya later." She said winking.

I've never felt so in love with someone. I can't believe I almost asked Syd to homecoming and missed my chance with y/n. It's funny how the universe works sometimes, this could've had a completely different outcome, but I got lucky. I can't wait to be able to take her out and treat her right, I can't wait until the day we're both ready to actually do that. Although I liked Syd at the time, I regret losing my virginity to her. It should've been a special moment for me and y/n, something we would both experience for the first time. Together. Why am I thinking about this anyway? This will happen way in the future. I really love her though. Which reminds me, does she remember saying she loves me? She said it twice last night, but does she even remember? Did she even mean it?

✰ 𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒂 𝒔𝒑𝒆𝒂𝒌𝒔! ✰ : Congrats, you finally got yo mans! Idk what else to really write for this, so bye!

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