💋Needed Me💋

337 8 152

Used to trip off that shit I was kickin' to you
Had some fun on the run though I give it to

Full Name- Za'Nyiah June Washington
•Za'Nyiah: Forever, Always
•June: Young
•Washington: N/A

Gender- Cis Female

Nicknames- Niyah (Most Commonly Used Nickname), Ze-Ze, Zay

Age Range- 17-22

Birthday- Feb.15 [year depends on age in the rp]

Birthplace- Syracuse, New York

Zodiac Sign- Aquarius

Pronouns- She/Her

Sexual Orientation- Bisexual

Romantic Orientation- Biromantic

To feel a little more, and give a little less
Know you hate to confess

Visage- Deventiny Perkins

Height- 5'9 [175.26cm]

Personality- Unlike her twin brother, Za'Niyah is a very energetic type of girl and always on the go. She's always trying to have fun and doing anything that involves talking to people. Being the older of the twins, she's way more talkative than her brother. She can be considered very blunt, which in turn gets her in trouble with some people, but 98% of the time, she doesn't mean what she says. She can be very overprotective of everyone that she gets close to, but the person she's most overprotective of is her twin brother. One thing you'll realize pretty quickly about her is how straightforward she is with everything she says. When you first meet her, she's pretty quiet, normally observing people before talking. When she gets crossed by somebody, she won't have any hesitation to cut somebody off-unlike her brother, who is a lot more merciful than her. Niyah takes a lot of pride in what she says and does, which can lead to fights and disagreements with a lot of people. This girl also loves being in the spotlight, normally making her presences known when she walks into the room with her words and how she enters. She almost radiates this aura of happiness but also, you know that if you ask her to join you on a spontaneous trip, don't even finish the sentence as she it getting ready as you speak. She haa ways found the joy and excitement in a sense of chaos with her friends, normally the one to plan them/speak the idea into the aether, so if you ever need an extrovert to take to a party, Niyah is your girl as she would gladly go with you to make sure you have someone to talk to or to talk to others when you don't.

Likes [6+]- Spicy Foods, Skateboarding, Basketball, Her Family, Jalapenos, History, Riding Her Motorcycle, Horror Shows, American Horror Story, Satire, Brooklyn 99, Ice Cream, Roses, Sleeping, Racing Her Brother, Rollercoasters, Dreamcatchers, Playing Video Games, Pears, Apples, Peaches, Bananas, Action Movies, Playing Her Bass Guitar

Dislikes [6+]- (Certain) Sweet Snacks, Bubbles, Sappy Romance Movies, Blueberries, Losing People Close To Her, Heights, Touching Raw Meat (This Is Her Biggest Fear), Dresses, Skirts, Makeup, Funerals, Homophobia, Girly Stuff

Defining Features [2+]-
•Her eye smile; people love to point it out when she smiles and most people like it
•Her dimple-no dimple; she has a dimple on her right side of her face while her left side doesn't have one

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