☄️ Everything I Wanted☄️

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Nobody even noticed..I saw them standing right there

Full Name— London Storm-Rae

•London: From The Great River
•Storm: Tempest
•Rae: Ewe or female sheep

Gender— Demigirl

Nicknames— Lon, Storm Cloud

Age Range— 16-23

Birthday— Oct.12 [age depends on the age in the rp]

Birthplace— Brentwood, Los Angeles

Zodiac Sign— Libra

Pronouns— She/They [prefers they/them]

Sexual Orientation— Demisexual

Romantic Orientation— Panromantic

It might've been a nightmare
To anyone who might care

Visage— just.danyal

Height— 5'3 [160.02cm]

Personality— Once you first meet London, she's distant and quiet-almost silent to an extent. She rarely talks to anyone they don't know. After a while, she becomes close to people and a bit more open. Once you get over her cold exterior, they're a kind-hearted person that likes to make History and Theatre Jokes. One thing you'll also notice about her is more darker sense of humor-which-is very common for her to talk about, and she loves making these types of jokes. Even with their cold exterior, she's still pretty sensitive, especially talking about their home life. She can also tend to talk herself down-sometimes without realizing until someone points it out. Once you gain her trust, she can also be the most loyal girl you'll meet; tell her a secret and expect her to take it to the grave. This girl also has a slight hatred of being touched by people their aren't close to, and will genuinely hit someone for it out of pure fear. Even with her cold exterior, she cares deeply about the people they have in their life, and will do anything to keep them safe. They keep a low profile on life, never wanting to express how much they go through—reason being? It's more so out of a fear of having people attempting to save them, knowing that certain things can't be fixed for them, so they don't trust many people. If you ever really gain their trust, consider yourself lucky in a sense; as you'll get more of what they go through but at the same time, will still keep things closed off in the aspect of not wanting to worry people about their life.

Likes [6+]— History Jokes, Theatre, Her Childhood Best Friend (Marco), Reading, Her Mother and Brother, Dark Humor, Dark Comedies, Coffee, Chai Tea, Bubble Tea, Linkin Park, MCR, Anna Blue, Escape Room, Horror Movies, Pandas, Spicy Food, Writing, Being Alone, Greek Mythology, Nighttime, TØP, P!ATD

Dislikes [6+]—Heights, Her Father, Peanuts (Deathly Allergic To Peanuts), Oranges (She has a deep seeded hatred for them), Winter, Sleeping, Kiwis, Bullies, Talking About Her Home Life

Defining Features [2+]— Their curly brown hair and RBF

Habits [3+]—
•Bitting their nails down quite heavily, almost to the point that their nails are constantly quite sharp
•Rocking on their heels to have something to do with their body, but also to focus on things they really want to focus on
•Glaring; they don't mean it, but they can come off as very upset or angry at a person, and has apologized to people quite often just because of that.

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