Chapter 10

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10 months later

I sprint through the forest leaping over the logs. I move my arms faster lengthening my stride to fly over the stream. Looking behind me, I shoot a target with energy from my hands. I roll under a bridge and make my way up the boulder. Finally, I reach the top to find a target waiting for me. Groaning, I shoot the target with an orb and secure the win with a roundhouse kick. I jog to the edge of the boulder and make my way down quickly. I suppress flashbacks to the spike cliff and quicken my pace. If I continue at this pace, I could beat my record.

I sprint through the woods jumping over the obstacles placed to challenge me. I reach a river and groan. It's so cold and I really don't want to get my shoes wet. I look around my surroundings and spot a tree about to fall. If I could get it to fall, it'd be a perfect bridge to cross the river. I latch myself onto the tree next to it breathing heavily. With a deep breath, I focus my energy on the crack of the tree. Reaching my hand up, I jolt back from the amount of energy discharging from my hand. Hearing the tree groan, I back up and run off the branch latching onto the falling tree. Hanging on for my dear life, I fall with the tree. Before it hits the river, I throw myself off it and onto the other side of the river. I roll over groaning in pain. My leg hit a rock on the landing, and I watch as blood trickles from my leg. No time for a healing spell, I have a record to break. I cauterize the wound with my heat by setting my burning hand on it and start off at a brisk pace. Soon enough, I reach a large clearing. I remain aware knowing she could pop up with targets at any moment.

Instead, I hear clapping. A dark-skinned woman appears from the clearing her bright red hair making her stand out. She smiles, the smile reaching all the way up to her red eyes.

"Beautiful job. You finally broke your record." Alvina grins at me pulling me into a hug.

"Ew stop. I'm sweaty." I say pulling away from her.

She throws her head back and laughs.

"Go shower. You deserve it. Then join me for a feast!" She exclaims.

I nod leaving Alvina to retreat to our humble abode.

Alvina has been an absolute blessing to me. She's one of the greatest witches our coven has. She is experienced in training young ones since she used to be a trainer for the coven until she retired at the young age of 40. She lives off in the middle of nowhere in a large cottage that smells strongly of pumpkin. Alvina has already taught me so much in the ten months I've been here and has been nothing but understanding to me.

I arrive at the cottage and strip off my clothes leaving them in the washer. I start the shower and hum along to some pop tune I heard on the radio earlier.

It was hard adjusting when I first arrived. I was angry, confused, and immature. I just wanted to be with my friends and family. I was hateful and rude to Alvina but she took it with grace. She shaped me into a skilled warrior who is ready to take on the Hunters coven. As soon as I am free to go, I'm going to hunt down that coven and make sure they can't hurt any more witches or warlocks.

I wince remembering my wound. I raise my hand to it, muttering sana. I smile as I physically feel the wound stitch up allowing the blood flow to stop. Ah yes that feels much better. I lean against the back of the shower letting the water rinse all the dirt off me.

It's been rough forgiving myself for that day at the Hunters coven. I was angry at the coven for putting me in that position and I was angry that I didn't know the full range of my powers. But I won't make that mistake again. I've been training for ten months and I've come to understand my powers better than I could've if I had stayed at the coven.

I turn off the shower and towel myself off. I change into sweatpants and a t-shirt padding into the kitchen. Alvina grins at me stirring the soup.

"Feel much better?" She asks.

"Oh much. Who knew how hard it is to remove dirt from between your nails?" I ask laughing. My hair trickles down my back making me roll my eyes in annoyance. It's grown even longer since I've been here and I'm about at the point of wanting to chop it all off.

"I know right. But you did really well. That was by far the fastest speed anyone has made it through that course with. I'm proud of you." Alvina sets outs the bowls and gestures for me to get my food.

"Thank you." I respond, pouring the soup into my bowl.

We sit at the table and joke about the human world's drama shows. Alvina is trying to convince me that the Bachelor is worth watching but I refuse to dip my toe into those shows. They would be so addicting.

"I'm going to run to the waterfall tomorrow." I tell her.

She nods.

"Be careful. It's a long run and way too close to the mortals."

"I know. It won't be my first time running it."

"Yeah I know. Just don't tire yourself out." She says taking a sip of her soup.

I nod in agreement and promise not to go too hard. I gather our bowls and clean them out after thanking her for dinner.

We plop on the couch to watch a movie and Alvina runs her hands through my tangled hair. My eyes start to flutter shut but I force them open. I will not fall asleep through another movie.

I wake up to Alvina slowly rubbing my shoulders.

"You're terrible at watching movies." She laughs.

I groan sitting up noticing the credits rolling off the screen.

"Shit sorry Alvina. I guess I was more tired than I thought."

She rolls her eyes.

"Go to bed. Wake me up before you go on your run."

I promise her I will and stumble to bed. I peel off my socks and reach over to turn on my fairy lights. I crawl underneath my fluffy comforter looking up at my yellow ceiling. When I had first seen my room, I was appalled. Who paints a ceiling yellow? But I've grown to love the bright yellow and even enjoy the odd décor sprinkled throughout the room. I snuggle underneath the heavy blankets welcoming the sleep.

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