Chapter 2

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Four hours is not nearly enough sleep to survive through training. I mentally note not to stay up this late again as I roll out of bed. I quickly change into training gear, brush my teeth, and slip out the front door.

Lawson greets me at his door with a blueberry scone and a water bottle. I smile in thanks and he responds with a big yawn. We walk silently to the training grounds enjoying nature's melody. Once we arrive at the huge clearing among the ground, we stretch amongst the others. It's a small group today. It seems to be getting smaller and smaller as more and more witches and warlocks are hunted by the Hunters coven. Our coven has especially been hit hard with 5 missing teens. Whether they are alive is yet to be determined. I take my mind off the stress of our situation as I stretch my hamstrings. My other best friends, Brynn and Hayden, jog to us. The twins grin at both of us in unison causing me to glare at them.

"It seems like someone had a late night" chirps Brynn.

"It seems like two somones had a late night" smirks Hayden.

Both Lawson and I glare at them in unison. 

"That's not even a word." I reply, rolling my eyes at them. 

Brynn pulls her long flaming hair into a ponytail and joins me in stretching. Hayden greets Lawson with the weird bro hug and whispers something in his ear. Lawson just rolls his eyes. Brynn and I chat mindlessly while we wait for our trainer to appear.

Maze finally appears carrying a bag of weapons.

"Good morning trainees. Today, we won't be focusing on toning our magic skills. Instead, we will build upon your cardio and endurance training."

Brynn slaps her forehead in frustration. Last time we did cardio, she puked. I pat her gently on the back.

"First, we will warm up here. Then I will move you to an off-ground training ground. There, I will test your endurance. It's going to be a long morning folks so if you aren't up for it, you may leave."

We all stare at one another in shock. We are never allowed to leave. That must mean today is going to be hell. My friends and I look at each other and decide for some insane reason to stay for training.

"It could be fun." Hayden says unconvincingly.

Brynn smacks her twin on the back of his head, and they start to bicker. Lawson gravitates towards me.

"You feeling better?" He asks.

"Yeah. Sorry for bothering you last night. You know how I get."

He puts his arm around me pulling me into a side hug.

"All is forgiven. As long as you don't vanish leaving me stuck with these two sickos." He says pointing at the twins as they continue to whack one another.

Maze claps her hands together getting our attention.

"Start warming up. You have 15 minutes until we leave."

All of us trainees begin to warm up enjoying the peace and quiet for now.

The 15 minutes pass quickly and soon enough, Maze takes us out of the village. We've never been allowed to leave the village, so we all chat amongst each other excitedly. Of course, I've left the village but only Lawson knows that.

We take a long trek around the forest disappearing amongst the dark trees. Maze has us hike up a tall hill to the top of a waterfall. We then slowly climb down the stones through the waterfall. Before us lies a huge obstacle course embodying everything we've been training to tackle. There's a huge wall with alternating spikes, a quicksand area, a puzzle floor, and an expansive rope course. The air is cool and the perspiration of our excited breaths are drowned out by the roaring waters. We set our stuff down and Maze breaks us into teams. Although the course will be completed as an individual, the teams are allocated to certain aspects of the training grounds. Luckily Lawson and I are placed together amongst a few other trainees. Maze allocates us to the alternating spike wall course.

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