Chapter 9

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2 days. That's all I have left with my friends until I'm shipped off for god knows how long.

My mom has left to give me and my friends some time to say our goodbyes. They're coming over shortly and I pace in my living room trying to figure out the right words to express everything I'm feeling. I sigh in frustration plopping down on the couch dramatically. I can't believe this is happening.

I hear a knock at my door and I bolt up to greet my friends. They tumble in Brynn and Lawson pushing at one another. Hayden grins at me holding a vodka bottle in his hand. I smile at them feeling my heart break a little. We exchange hugs and I offer some popcorn to them. Once we're all settled, Hayden pours us some drinks. He raises his glass in a toast,

"To surviving." He declares.

"To surviving." We reply in unison.

We all take the shots coughing at our lack of maturity for drinking alcohol. I set my glass down and stare at all my friends.

"I'm leaving." I say.

Lawson drops his glass and Brynn as quick as ever snatches it before it shatters on the ground. She doesn't even glare at him, just stares wide-eyed at me.

"Is this because of what I said?" Lawson asks, his eyes tearing up.

"No. I'd do it all over again. Your life is worth it." I smile sadly at him.

I continue, " The council has declared me as high risk here. I can't put you guys in danger so they're sending me away. I don't know when or if I'll come back."

"We'll come with you." Hayden states wrapping an arm around me.

I shake my head slowly.

"I have to do this alone. I can't put you guys in any more danger. You've done enough for me."

"No. This is not the time to be stubborn." Brynn declares.

"I'm not. Council orders. Just me." I grab her hand, squeezing it softly.

"I hate this." Lawson mutters.

We all hold each other in silence enjoying one another's company.

"You guys are my best friends. I love you and I am so grateful for our journey together. I will be back."

"We'll find each other." Lawson states.

"We will." Brynn and Hayden reply.

Hayden pours us all another drink.

"In that case, let's get drunk!" He shouts. He rolls off the couch and finds my speaker to turn on some music. He pulls me up and we start jumping around. Brynn pulls up Lawson and we all let go not caring about how we look.

Eventually the sun comes down and we all lay on the ground breathing heavily.

"I can't believe this." Brynn says snuggling into Lawson's side. I look up to see Lawson staring at me. I shrug and he rolls his eyes.

We doze off into a peaceful slumber. One last night together. I don't hear mom come in but when I wake up, all the trash is gone. I roll over blinking in the sun. It's just starting to rise and I sit up noticing Lawson is staring at the ceiling. I untangle my legs from Brynn's sleeping form and poke his shoulder.

"Come on." I whisper, pulling him up. He follows me out the door and we make the trek to the waterfall. The sun is starting to shine bright on us and the birds are beginning to wake up. Lawson grabs my hand and pulls me to the edge of the waterfall. We plop down hanging our legs off the ledge.

So many memories here. Both good and bad. Lawson was taken here. But I also remember jumping off the cliff with Lawson with little fear of the unknown. Oh, how I wish to still be young and oblivious to the dangers of the world. What a wonderful time that was.

I rest my head on Lawson's shoulder silently crying.

"I love you." I stammer.

"I love you too Finn."

We sit in the silence taking in one last view of the waterfall. The silence is more comforting than any words either of us could've said.

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