Chapter 5

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I lean back against an oak tree, absentmindedly throwing daggers at the tree across from me. It's around 3 am and I'm on watch while the rest of the group sleeps. Hayden should be relieving me soon of my watch. We've only been here for two hours finally resting after traveling a good distance today. I'd love to keep going but we're no help to Lawson if we're sleep deprived.

I quickly get bored with the daggers, so I settle down amongst the leaves sprawled across the floor. The night is getting chilly and my heat spell I casted earlier is starting to wear off. I pull my bag towards me and sift through it for my windbreaker. A blanket is placed on me and I look to see Julius with a sly grin.

"I noticed the spell is wearing off." He settles down beside me sighing against the tree.

"Thank you. I should cast another one." I go to get up, but he places a hand on my arm to stop me.

"Or we can stay warm the old fashion way." He laughed.

I roll my eyes at his comment. Typical boy.

"God get your mind out of the gutter. I meant by starting a fire." He playfully pokes me.

I feel myself blushing and shake my head in annoyance.

"I don't want to attract unwanted attention so a spell will have to do."

"True true. I guess that makes sense. Good thing you're the leader."

I laugh at his comment and place my hands up in the air. Closing my eyes, I begin to chant a warming spell using the light from a lantern we brought. Slowly, the air begins to warm to a reasonable temperature, and I collapse to the ground content.

"I can take watch if you want to sleep." Julius suggests.

I pull my hair out of the ponytail and run my fingers through it getting the knots out.

"And leave the former Hunters coven member in charge of our safety? I think not."

"Fair enough. But I am taking you to them and considering I fled for my safety, there should be no reason to not trust me."

"As far as I know, it could be a trap."

I look up finally meeting his eyes. He looks absolutely exhausted. His dark hair is messy and dark circles enunciate his lack of sleep. He blinks his eyes slowly, his eyelashes fluttering above his cheeks. I can't even begin to imagine how I look. I rub my eyes tiredly.

"You don't have to stay up with me. We're not going to kill you in your sleep." I continue beginning to braid my hair.

He laughs loudly. His laughter is surprisingly familiar and causes something to stir in my stomach.

"Trust me, I know that."

Julius reaches for my hand and grasps it turning it over in his hand.

"Have they ever glowed before?" He asks, running his fingers down my palm causing my skin to shiver.

"No. I've never been able to produce heat from them. I can only manipulate light around me to do what I want. That's why I can form light daggers or even fireworks. But never heat." I pull my hand from his and tuck it in my sweatshirt pocket.

"Hmm." Hums Julius.

"Why? Do you know anything about it?"

"I've never seen it in person. There was one person in our coven rumored to be able to do that. She was able to actually cause her entire body to glow and produce heat. But... uh she was the council member killed."

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