[ Guide ]

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Welcome to the [Mandated Perspective] guide.

[Mandated Perspective]
Mandated Perspective is a role playing story of you, and other readers, on a series of situation which is occasionally mandatory.

The readers serve as the personalities, these personalities will be the basis of the decisions that the Main character will make.

You will serve as a personality.

A situation will arise, and on a certain point, you are forced to make a decision. Decisions will affect the story's outcome. Once a decision has been chosen and made, a new chapter will appear corresponding to the decision that has been made.

[Note: For those who only wants to read the story, you can now skip to the next chapter.]

Personalities are the basis of decisions, serving as it's limits.
Decisions you can make is limited by your personality.
Personalities influence decisions.
Only personalities that are registered can make decisions.
You can register a personality of your choice.
The process will be explained in the [Initiation] chapter.

Decisions are made by it's respective personality, it controls the outcome of the situation and will also affect the future situations that corresponds to the story.
Decisions made by personalities will then serve as the choices that the Main Character will choose to make.
Certain decisions can only be made by certain personalities.
There are instances where decisions from different personalities will merge and be done together.
There are also decisions that can only be made when a certain pressure and influence is applied.
In order to make a decision, you have to consider two conditions:
1. The chapter isn't cleared yet and needs decisions
2. The decision must be according to your personality, and that your personality is registered
You can propose a decision by commenting on [Make a decision].
Comment format will be:
[ Codename, Personality - Decision ]
Comment example:
"[ L.K, Happy-go-Lucky - Run and hide ]"

Progress is controlled by decisions, the "right" decisions can give you progress and advance you through the story, the "wrong" decisions can risk losing progress and cause [Death].

Death is an event where the Main character loses it's life
"Hmm, yes. The floor here is made out of floor"
Throughout the story, the character can take [Damage].
Taking a great amount of damage can cause the character to die.
Dying in a situation will cause you to go back to the most recent [Save point]. Any progress that has been made past the [Save point] will be lost after dying.

Damages can be dealt or received throughout the story.
Damages taken will affect the Main character's physical and mental ability. After excessive damage is taken, the main character can die.
Damages can trigger events
Damages can also trigger certain personalities, while also disabling some.
There are only two types of damages.
Instantaneous and Continuous. Instantaneous damage is taken from certain sources such as getting hit physically, getting concussions, stuns, etc.
Instantaneous damages are damages that are only dealt once
Continuous damage is taken from certain sources such as getting poisoned, bleeding, feeling light headed, getting injured, being dizzy, etc. These damages may remain being dealt to the player until an action is done where the Main Character chooses to aid himself with the available medical supplies, or until it expires.
Continuous damages are damages that are dealt over time.

[Save point]
Save points will be updated throughout the story progression. If the MC dies, he will go back to the most recent save point.
After dying and going back to the save point, the personalities can make another choice. This repeats until the MC survives.
Save points occur rarely, and randomly
If the MC dies, any progress that has been made past the most recent save point will have to be repeated.

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