Love At First Call 7

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"What the hell are you doing?" I asked

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"What the hell are you doing?" I asked. "Taking you where you belong baby, that boy's cute, does he know me?" He replied. "No, I said you and mom got divorced in England. Where I belong?" I asked. "Yes, where you belong, you'll see"

I texted Josh as quick as I could without him seeing.

Not my mom.

What? That was ur moms car

My dad take care of mom and Lily for me please!

No! I'm following you rn!!

Make sure he doesn't see you!

I then saw that Josh was following us but not too closely. "Okay, here it is" my psycho father began. "Here what is?" I asked. "Where you belong" he said quickly and sped the car off the road "what the hell are you doing?" I yelled as the car got faster and faster. Josh wasn't following anymore, holy hell I'm going to die!

Josh p.o.v (I didn't want to do pov's at the beginning but now imma do it so yeh)

I saw the car run off the road and I freaked out, Bryce was driving for me, "No!" I yelled. "I'm calling 911 and Stop the car!"

Bryce stopped the car and we got out and began running while I called 911.

"Hello? My girlfriends car just went off the road and we think it's going to crash, the driver is a murderer!" I yelled through the phone. "Okay where are you sir?" The woman on the other line asked. I told them where and how far off the road we were then we heard a huge crash. "It just crashed! Please hurry!" I screamed. "Okay sir make sure you don't get too close to the driver then we're sending someone as fast as we can"

I hung up and we ran faster. "Mia!" I screamed when I saw the aftermath of what her psychopath father did. I ran to the passenger side and tried to get her out. "Josh! Stop you're going to hurt yourself!" I heard Bryce yell. "I don't care I need to get her out of there!" I replied, tears falling down my cheeks. "Come on!" I screamed as I tried to open the door or something. I got it open a little and saw Mia either dead or unconscious I hoped to gat it was the latter.

I couldn't live without her, she's all that I live for!

We heard sirens "Bryce go! See if they're close!" I yelled and he ran back to the road. I still tried to open the door but when I saw paramedics and police coming I stopped. "Please help her!" I repeated.

They got them out and put them in separate ambulances. A police officer rode with Mia's father, I rode with her and Bryce called the boys and drove behind. She didn't wake up the entire trip to the hospital.

They then took her inside and told me to wait until they'd finished with something. I didn't know what they said because I couldn't hear them. I was having some sort of breakdown! I could barely breathe, Bryce cane up behind me and tried to calm me down. I was crying, I was at a loss of breath and I was having a panic attack.

"Josh! She's going to be okay!" I heard Jaden tell me. All the boys were there, they called me down a little. "Don't worry." Griffin said. "Don't worry? Are you crazy? She means so much to me! I love her for gods sake!" I yelled then realised what I'd said. "You love her?" Anthony asked.

"Excuse me are you here for Mia Montgomery?" (A/N I can't remember if I put her last name in it yet or not so if it's different in a previous chapter I'm sorry lol) I heard a nurse ask. "Yes, is she okay?" I replied with a question. "Yes, she's still unconscious but she's okay, we're going to keep her overnight for observation just in case, but you can go see her now" she replied I thanked her and she showed me to Mia's room. The boys said that they'd wait in the waiting room for a little while.

I walked into her room and saw her lying in the hospital bed, she looked so tiny, so fragile.

Mia's p.o.v
I opened my eyes to a bright white light and instantly thought I was either dead or in hospital, I wished the latter as I had so much to do before death, I had to tell Josh that I love him, I had to finish summer at least!

Luckily, it was the latter, my eyes focused and I turned my head to the right and saw a sleeping Josh in the chair next to my hospital bed.

"Joshie?" I got his attention and he jumped awake. "Baby, you're okay!" He said relieved. "Baby? That's a new one" I laughed as he hugged me. "Sorry" he chuckled. "No I like it, in fact I love it." I replied.

"I'm so glad you're okay" Josh added after a moment of silence, just staring into each other's eyes. "Did anyone call my mom?" I asked, worriedly. "Bryce called your sister, her and your mom are on their way, it's just huge traffic after what happened." He replied. "Bryce is here?"

"All the boys are here, I mean, they do like you more than the like me so" Josh joked. "Want me to get them, they're actually really worried"

"Maybe in a minute, I want to tell you something" I replied. "What is it?" Josh asked. "Thank you, for saving my life" I laughed. "I don't deserve you, one bit, but nonetheless. I love you Joshua Richards" I said, which made him smile widely. "Mia Montgomery, I love you too" he replied and kissed me.

Then we heard my mom and sister run in. A huge wave of relief cake over me. "He didn't get you" I sighed, "thank god"

"Who?" Lily asked. "Dads back" I replied and she looked shocked. "Uh, so sorry to interrupt, but I have news on your father" a nurse walked in. "Yes?" I asked. "He has woken up, he's okay, but he's had to be arrested immediately, I'm sorry" she informed us. Josh held my hand in case I got upset.

To hell with him! He's where he belongs!

"Don't be sorry, we're finally free" I replied. "Thank you for the information ma'am" lily said as the nurse nodded her head and left.

"No more worrying, looking over our shoulders. No more checking if the door and windows are locked five times before bed." I said happily.

"No more pain"

I guess there is such thing as happily ever after, after all...

The End


I hope y'all enjoyed this story!! I might do Bryce or Quinton next I have one all lined up for Quinton so should I do that?

I hope everyone is okay during these difficult times, and as I tell everyone, if anyone need to talk to someone I'm here, though my email doesn't work so I can't dm on this app 😂 so if y'all want my other socials just ask and I'll put them in the next chapter!

Word count: 1216

love yah x

sway house imagines //discontinued::may be deletedWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu