The act 2

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The school day wasn't as bad as I thought

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The school day wasn't as bad as I thought. I got a lot of looks, girls gave me dirty looks and the guys were staring at me and a few winked at me. I cringed so hard. 3rd period was Science and I was sitting with Payton and behind us was my high school crush, Josh Richards, I've had a crush on him for about a year now, but he has a girlfriend, Nessa Barret, she's gorgeous and I'll never be anywhere near that. We had started an experiment, don't ask me what about because I have no clue, I wasn't really paying attention. Me and Payton were just talking and messing about when I got a text from...

"Josh?" I questioned. "Huh?" Payton asked. "Josh Richards just texted me." I answered. "What does it say?" He seemed eager to know, I wonder why.

I saw they text and it said this:

I showed Payton and he looked pissed, we turned around and looked at Josh who was "play fighting" with Kio Cyr, his best friend, he's my friend too, that's how I met Josh, we still talk and hang out, he saw that I was looking at him and Josh and h...

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I showed Payton and he looked pissed, we turned around and looked at Josh who was "play fighting" with Kio Cyr, his best friend, he's my friend too, that's how I met Josh, we still talk and hang out, he saw that I was looking at him and Josh and he smiled and waved a little, I smiled back. "Dude" Kio tapped Joshes shoulder and pointed towards me. He looked and I asked "what the hell?" He looked confused. I showed him my phone screen. His confusion turned to shock and he hit Kio on the arm. I rolled my eyes and turned back around. I then got another text, but from Kio this time:

I read it and Not going to lie I was a little upset that he wasn't him, if that makes sense

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I read it and Not going to lie I was a little upset that he wasn't him, if that makes sense. So I just sent a cocky(ish) reply:

He didn't reply, I'm guessing they swapped phones back

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He didn't reply, I'm guessing they swapped phones back.

After Science class it was lunch, so me and Payton went and got food and met Anthony at our table, we always eat at a table outside when it's warm and seeing as it was September we sat outside. We had finished eating and we were just talking  and laughing, then Kio surprisingly (A/N Cyr-prisingly 😂) came and sat with us for a bit, "hey Kio, I thought we weren't really you scene" I said surprised. "You are now." He replied with a smirk. "What do you want?" I asked. "I want, to make you a deal." He said looking me straight in the eyes. "What kind of deal?" I asked, intrigued. "I know you like Josh, and I know that you want to date him." He said. "He's dating Nessa you mong"(British/Welsh thing) I reminded him. "Let me finish, if you date one of his friends, and they 'show you off' and show him how great you are, he will start to like you." He finished. "Are you insane? No way! I'm not doing that. It'll be like I'm leading them on or something." I replied, looking at him like he's crazy. "You wouldn't be, because you'll be dating me." He said, with a proud smile plastered onto his face. "I don't know Kio, what if someone finds out?" I asked. "Well as long as you guys don't tell I won't." He said looking at Anthony and Payton, I kinda forgot they were there to be honest. Payton looked a little mad, but I just ignored it. "I won't" Anthony said with his hands up. "Pay?" Kio asked. "Fine. But if this goes all wrong, I never knew a thing." Payton said. Kio looked back at me with pleading eyes. I sighed "I'll think about it." I replied, Kio looked happy enough.

What am I going to do?

What will she say??

Word count: 630

His that star for more chapters 😜

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