Love at first call 1

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"Lily!" I yelled to my sister, she had my phone again! I was chasing her around the house until I caught up to her, I tackled her and took it back

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"Lily!" I yelled to my sister, she had my phone again! I was chasing her around the house until I caught up to her, I tackled her and took it back. "Thank you" I said and went back to my room. "You're so boring Mia!" My little sister yelled. "That I am!" I replied.

As soon as I sat back down on my bed and I got an Instagram dm. I looked and it was from...

"Josh Richards?" I asked myself happily. "Oh my god"


J:Hey, I saw ur pics, ur cute x

M:hi, and thanks I guess aha ur pretty cute too

J:where r u from?

M:la, I know that u do too cuz I've seen some four vids lol

J:well at least u know me then lol

M: u seem super sweet

J: aw thx
J: do u think we'd be able to call?

M: not rn but maybe tomorrow?


M:well I'm going to bed cuz I'm so tired!

J:okay Goodnight x

M: I'll text you tomorrow if u want x

J: 👍🏻 night

M:bye x

I turned my phone off and got ready for bed. "Oh my god, Josh freaking Richards thinks I'm cute!" I thought.

I jumped into bed and fell asleep fairly quickly.


I woke up around 10:30 as it's summer break and got ready for the day. I did my normal morning routine; shower, brush my teeth, do my makeup, do my hair.

Then I got dressed into this:

I grabbed my phone and went downstairs for breakfast

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I grabbed my phone and went downstairs for breakfast. None of my family was awake so I just made breakfast for myself.

I decided to go to the beach today so I ran upstairs to get my bag, I put my notebook, a pen and my purse in it.

I wrote a note and put it on the kitchen counter for my mom when she wakes up and I left.

I decided to walk because the beach is only a five minute walk from my house.

Once I got there I just sat on the sand and began to write, I'm obsessed with writing songs, and the sound of the ocean helps me focus.

After writing for a while I checked my phone and realised that I'd been there for four hours, so I began to walk back home. When I got home I saw my mom in the kitchen. "Hey mom" I greeted her. "Off writing again were we?" She asked, rhetorically. "Pretty much, I didn't realise that time I'm sorry." I replied. "It's alright, you're home now, have you had lunch?"

I shook my head no "neither have we, your sister has only just woken up" she laughed. "I'll cook mom" I offered. "Are you sure sweetie?"

"Yes, you go out your feet up and watch tv, just don't watch Riverdale without me" I said sternly at the end. She laughed and went into the living room.

All I did was make pasta, it was easy and we needed to go grocery shopping anyway. When we finished our lunch we watched Riverdale, my favourite tv show! We were on the heathers musical episode and I was singing along, as I had watched it many games beforehand.

"Wow, Jughead is a good singer" lily said. "Hey!" I joked. "You get SweetPea, Forsythe Pendleton Jones the third is mine!"
We all laughed and sang and laughed some more, we finished the eighth episode of the day and decided to do other things. I went upstairs to text some friends, Lily went into the back yard to play football and my mom started cleaning.

I then got a text from Josh asking if he could call me. I said yes and gave him my number. "What if it isn't the real Josh? Or he's pranking me?" I thought as I hit send. "Too late now"

My phone began to ring and I answered it.

(Bold-mia italics-Josh)


Hey, Mia...

That first sentence was like heaven in a phone call, his voice was deep yet sweet. I guess falling in love by someone's voice is a real thing.

Hi, whatcha doin'

Calling you and... that's it cause the boys left me

Awh! Why did they leave?

They went to get Starbucks and I didn't want to go with them

Oh so you brought it upon yourself then

Pretty much yeah, ahah

Your alone? so you called me cause you're bored?

No! I wanted to call you anyway

I'm messing with you, Josh calm down ahah

"Who's Josh?" My sister asked form the doorway.

Ugh, I'll call you back

Don't be too long, I might miss you


I hung up. "Lily, what did I tell you about knocking?" I asked. "To do it." She replied innocently. "Exactly."

"Who is he though? Secret boyfriend?" She asked. "No, we started talking yesterday now leave" I said and pushed her out of my room. I called Josh back but there was no answer.

Thanks Lily...



Hope you enjoyed the first chapter of "Love at first call"

I know it was a little short but it's only the beginning


Thank y'all so so... SO much!! I know I'm not at 10k yet but I'm almost there! Eek!!

Word count:902

Hit that star for more! x

I love y'all so much x

sway house imagines //discontinued::may be deletedWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt