Chapter 16

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Nobody's POV:
Charlie and the others were back at the hotel as they were taking a break from looking for her. Then they saw a big box in front of the hotel as they came closer to it.

"Who's delivery is it? It's not mine" Charlie said as she was looking at it. "Same here, Charlie" Vaggie said as she was looking at the box too. "Let's just see, what's inside the box!" Husk said in annoyed tone. Vaggie use a knife to open the box until everyone was horrified, they are seeing. There was white wings in the box even there was blood too.

Angel cover his mouth in horrified even he knows, who's wings belong too

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Angel cover his mouth in horrified even he knows, who's wings belong too.

"Oh my gosh! Is that Freya's wings?!" Nifty asked in horrified as her eye was widen. Husk was standing there as he was shocked and fear too. Alastor was angry of who ever did this, they asked a death wish. "Who did this?! Even, I hope Freya is okay" Charlie said as she was really worried of her. Husk puts his hand on Freya's wings as he was still looking at it. Then Husk's expression was in anger as he stands up from the floor.

"I know, who did this..." Husk said in a pissed off tone. Then he fly away as Alastor followed him, Charlie, Vaggie, Nifty and Angel stays in the hotel as the wait for them to come back. "Be careful you two..." Charlie said as she went back inside as Vaggie, Nifty and Angel came inside too.

Your's POV:
I was still waiting for someone to save me from Vox even I can't move from the floor because lose a lot of blood. Then I heard a lot of noise coming from outside of the room, it's sounds like someone is fighting Vox. Then the door was open and revealing the person, it was Husk. He runs to me as he picks me up in bridal style.

"It's going to be okay, Freya! We just need to get back to the hotel!" Husk said as we both came out of the room. I saw Alastor was fighting Vox as he was really angry too. "Hey, Al! That's enough! Let's get back to the hotel right now!" Husk said as three of us went back to the hotel. I feel so dizzy until everything went to darkness.

/Time Skip/

I slowly woke up from my sleep and I found myself, I was in the hotel room too. I was prepared to come out of bed until I saw Husk was sleeping on the chair even he was near me too. Then I looked at my back and saw I was bandage up even I lose my wings still. I saw Husk was waking up from his sleep until he saw, I was awake.

"Freya. Your awake. How are you feeling?" Husk asked as he looked worried. "I'm okay, now. But.... My wings are not okay..." I said as I looked at my back.

"Everything will be okay. Charlie is trying help you. I think you should have a rest now" Husk said as he was holding my hands. "Okay, okay. I'll have a rest, Husk" I said as he left the room. When I was alone, I lie down on the bed as I took a nap too.

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