Chapter 8

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Your's POV:
When I finished singing, I then went back inside the hotel as I wipe my tears are way so Charlie and the others doesn't know, I was crying. When I made it to the lobby, I saw Charlie and the others were watching on TV and they are watching the 666 news.

"Hey, guys. What are you watching?" I asked as I sat next to Charlie to watch TV with them. "We are just watching the news, Freya" Vaggie said as she was still watching the TV. "Guys! The news is starting!" Angel said as everyone was silent and they started to watch the 666 news.

{Comes on the 666 news}

"Good afternoon! I'm, Katie Killjoy!" She said as she looks at him. "And I'm, Tom Trench! Today's news, we have discovered an angel is in hell" Tom said as he turned to Katie.

"That's right, Tom. Even, that's not all. This angel looks like the princess of hell but an angel version. Don't believe me? Here's proof to you" Katie said as a picture comes on. Tom looks at the picture of Freya as his eyes form into hearts in his eyes, Katie got really annoyed of Tom again but she keeps smiling at the camera.

"Anyways! We will be back after the break!" Katie said as she stands up from her chair until she punched Tom in the face.

{The end of 666 news}

Charlie and the others were horrified and shocked of this as I was scared.

"I think, we should keep an eye on Freya because every demons are after her now" Alastor said as they agreed with him. "I have to say this... your right, Alastor..." Vaggie said as she was annoyed even she still not trusting him too.

/Time Skip/

I was with Nifty as she was tells me about clothes, she loves making for anyone. Then I remembered Husk was not in the bar for a long now, this made me worried of him. Something doesn't feel right. I told Nifty don't tell others, where I gone. Nifty nodded her head as I came out of the hotel and fly through the Pentagram City as I was looking for Husk.

/4 hours later/

I was looking for Husk for looking time and I can't find him too. I was prepared to go back to the hotel until I heard noise in the alleyway, that sounds like Husk. I followed the noise in the alleyway until I found Husk but he on the floor even he was hurt too. I was horrified of this, I was prepared to help him until a demon with a TV head as he steps on his head. I quickly hide from the demon so he doesn't see me but he was hurting Husk still.

"I can see, why he took a liking to you... You're guide entertaining" he said as he was looking at Husk. Who is he? And, why is he hurting Husk too? I still listening to the demon, who is taking to Husk. "...But you're not useful to me! I think it's time, I speak with the big man himself" he said as he grabbed Husk's wings and Husk was growling in pain. "Let's send him an invitation to our party, shall we?" He said as he was prepared to rip Husk's wings. I quickly found a metal poll and I hit him on the back and on the TV head too.

"Freya?! What are you doing here?! Get out of here before, Vox gets you!!!" Husk said as he was still in pain. I went to him and I was helping him too. "I'm not leaving you, Husk! Even, I caring for you too!" I said to him as Husk was shocked to heard that from me. Then the demon with the TV head named, Vox was standing up as he was angry.

"I'm so going to kill yo-" he was cut out, when he saw me. His eyes were widened in shocked as I looked at him with my green eyes. I quickly grabbed Husk as I fly away from Vox even I was carrying Husk to the hotel. I hope, we don't see him again.

Vox's POV:
I watched the angel fly away with Husk as a white feather comes off of her wings. I grabbed the white feather and looked at it until smiled evilly.

"I think, I have a new target.... Getting the angel for myself" I said as I went to the porn studio and I was smiling evilly still.
"You will never know, what hit you.... My little angel"

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