Chapter 10

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Your POV

As we all got outside the car, we caught all the student's eyes. They were mainly staring at me, maybe because I'm new? They were all eyeing all of us up and down making me conscious.

Jade held my hand and smiled at me lowering my anxiety. We walked through the halls of the school which is filled by students beside their lockers. I smelled a vampire making me look at the direction.

A tall, slender girl with dark locks who honestly looked like a model looked back at me. She smiled and I smiled back but Jade called my name making me look back at them.

"Hey— I'm sorry what? I wasn't listening. " I said.

"We're going to the principal's office now for our schedules then we'll give you a tour afterwards, is that okay with you? " Leigh said and I nodded.

After we got our schedules, they gave me a tour as they promised. We all separated as we got into our own classes. I arrived at the room and saw that the teacher was already there.

His attention went to me making the whole class look at me. "You're new aren't you? I haven't seen you around. What is the reason why you're late ms?" He asked.

"Y/n, uhm I got a tour around the school since I'm unfamiliar with everything. " I said awkwardly.

"Alright, but be sure to not be late next time. " He said while adjusting his glasses. "Go seat next to ms Jenner over there, ms Jenner please raise your hand. "

I looked around the room and saw a girl raising her hand and I noticed she was the one who I saw earlier. I sat beside her as I listened to whatever the teacher was saying.

"Hey I'm Kendall, Kendall Jenner. " I heard from the girl beside me.

"I'm Y/n Y/ln, nice to meet you. " I introduced myself as I extended my hand for her to shake. She shook it and smiled.

"It's first day so I'll let you guys do whatever you want inside the room. " The teacher said. The class cheered as they talked with each other.

Kendall and I got hooked into our conversation not even noticing the bell ringing. We got outside and I saw waiting for me at my locker. I dragged Kendall to them making them raise their eyebrows, probably noticing that she's a vampire.

"Hey this is Kendall, do y'all know her?" I asked and they shocked their heads. They introduced themselves and asked me to have lunch with them later on.

I agreed then the bell rang again as I walk into my next class, without them since they have different classes than me. The class was normal and I had to introduce myself but no one really talked to me.

The bell rung again making me walk out of the room to the hallway but a hand stopped me, pulling me back. I stared into the boys who were eyeing me up and down making me angry.

"What do you need?" I asked annoyingly since I have to meet with the girls but this idiots were stopping me.

"Hey babygirl, I'm Matthew Hussey, maybe we could go out sometime?" Yeah like matthew pussy. Some tall white guy with beard came up to me looking like the leader of their group.

"Sorry dude, I swing the other way. " I said while attempting to walk out but stopped by some of his guys. I huffed in annoyance.

"I can change your mind when you hop on this 6 inches di—" I wanted to laugh because of his boast about his dick being 6 inches small but stopped myself.

"Look dude, I don't know and like you so can you all give me some room to walk to the door? I don't really want to start something right now. " I said in annoyance trying to squeeze myself out of his guy's but my back ended up hitting a wall instead.

I groaned and matthew pussy put his hands on my shoulders trying to kiss me. On my reflexes, I dodges his lips and pushed him off of me with too much strength making him fall back into the tables.

oops, sorry not sorry.

His guys ganged up on me but to my luck their moves looked like they were in slow motion considering I was training a lot at the house. I knocked the two guy's head together then punch the third one in the guts and kicked him into where mattpussy was.

The teacher already walked out earlier leaving only us here. I walked out of the room not bothering whoever saw me. I quickly got into the cafeteria since the girls were waiting on me with Kendall.

I saw them and I sat with them. I also noticed that Kendall's friends sat with us. I introduced myself to them and they did too.

"What took you so long to get here?" Petrie asked.

" Some guys tried to gang up on me asking me to go out with someone named Matthew pussy or something I don't know but they miserably failed so here I am. " I explained as I took a bite onto the food that the girls bought me.

"What? Did they do anything to you? " Jesy asked.

"Not really, thanks to the training you guys gave me. " I chuckled. I turned my gaze to Kendall and her friends. "So y'all are bloodsuckers?" I asked casually.

"H-How did you know? Hailey (Baldwin) asked nervously.

"Well for starters, you all are pale and second, I can smell you all from a mile away. " I said.

"Y/n!!" Jade said making me look at her.

"What? How?" Kendall asked.

""I guess we should tell you guys. " Leigh-Anne sighed and glared at me making me innocently smile back. "She's our princess, she's the true daughter of the Queen. Unlike us, they just took us in. "

"WHAT?!" Kendall and her friends screamed making all of the students look at us. They apologized and sat down again.

"But that still doesn't explain how she smells us?" Kendall relaxed back on her seat. The others nodded waiting for the answer.

"Uh well she was kinda turned into a wolf before she even became a vampire, I mean before she was even 18. " Petrie explained. "We beg you all to not tell the others. "

"So she's like a hybrid?" Gigi (Hadid) asked.

"Yeah. " Jade said.

"We're not gonna tell anyone, don't worry. But we still can't believe the death of the princess is not true, according to the legends. " Kendall said as the others nodded.

"Well I was at Miami for most of my life but I needed to come back since I was turned into a wolf. Then I found out my mom and dad was still alive then voila here I am. " I explained as the bell rang. "You all are the only ones that knows about this so, please keep it private. " They agreed and we all got to our classes.

The day continued as the boring classes finished. I got back into the parking lot seeing the girls waiting for me in front of the car. I also saw Kendall with her group and I approached her.

"Hey, can I get your number? For safety measures. " I winked and she laughed. I pulled out my phone and she typed her number in. I bid her goodbye and made my way to the four ladies waiting for me.

We all got back to the house and we all talked to each other on dinner with the family. After the dinner, I got back to my room and showered. I wore an oversized shirt and some shorts then plopped onto the bed.

I picked up my phone for the first time in 24 hours and saw some text from Monica and her mom making me smile. I replied to them and charged my phone on the night stand as sleep takes over me.


Author's Note:

it's short but hey, it's progress right?

this chapter isn't really anything special but I added some characters and showed ur first day.

i'll update some more, and to make sure to make it long for u guys ;)

thanks for tuning in, loves

leave some requests for me pls, give me some ideasss.

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