Emperor: I'm emperor Ying Zheng your fiancé or you could say your soon to be husband.

Taehyung:what do you mean Fiancé ? I don't remember you proposing to me sir.

Ying Zheng: oh well let me sing you a song.

As the emperor was singing, Taehyung started to get hypnotize by the emperor's voice that he didn't know That the emperor was singing a spell. After he finish the song he looked at taehyung and saw that his eyes change to a different color but change back to it's original color .the emperor smirks in victory .

Ying Zheng:shall we go to our room darling .

Taehyung:yes yingie let's go~

Meanwhile with Jimin and jin

Jimin p.o.v

It been an hour since Taehyung left to get his lunch and class is about to start any minute now. I was getting worried I looked at him and saw that he had a worry expression .

Jimin: jin do you think that taetae got kidnap?

Jin:I think so cause I know Taehyung wouldn't take long to get his lunch. Should we call Jeongguk or not?

Jimin:I think we should cause the earlier we tell him The earlier we can get taehyung back.

Jin:alright. But we will after class .


After class . School ends .

Me and jin got outside and drove to Jeongguk house to tell him that taetae is gone we both felt scared as we got to our boss house . We knock on the door and surprisingly Jeongguk opened the door cause most of the time he doesn't even show manners . He opened the door wider so we can get in.we all went in the living room and sat down on the couch.

Jimin:well Jeongguk I think Taehyung got kidnap when he went to buy his lunch from Olive garden. Before you yell let me explain,Taehyung said he would come back 10-20minutes but we waited almost an hour for him to come back but he didn't show up .

Jeongguk:my-my -my baby g-got kidnap ?

Jin:yes Jeongguk.

Jeongguk:I think I might I know who it is . Someone sent a letter to my Taetae and wrote about how he was going to get taehyung but I'm not sure who though .

Jimin:hmm okay let's get the information that we need first before we attack .

We all nod in agreement.

(Taehyung and Ying Zheng)
No one p,o.v

Both Taehyung and Ying Zheng were on the couch or bed (I don't know so here is a picture of it .)


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His Possession (kookv)Book 1Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt