Lily Briscoe, Remember?

Start from the beginning

"No way! That's right down the road from us!" Chris exclaimed.

Ella's smile widened marginally, and excitement rose in her chest. "Yeah, it's weird. I had a few I was choosing between, and Penn reached out and...I only confirmed a couple weeks ago. A few days before I got your invitation in the mail. Since I was coming down here anyway, I scheduled my interview with the Dean for tomorrow."

"Well, congrats," Matthew said, raising his bottle.

"Thanks," she replied, feeling slightly silly as she toasted her water against their beers.

Before another moment had passed, Chris got a page on his beeper. Apparently, the poet who had performed at the open house had left something of his behind and would need to be let in early the next morning. Matthew and Chris began commiserating amongst themselves about the performer, who was apparently less than a joy to work with. Biting on the inside of her cheek, Ella tried to suppress her smile. Too much joy made her nervous. It meant always waiting for the other shoe to drop. She'd had the odd mixture of anxiety and anticipation brewing in her stomach since opening Jess's package. It was too much of a coincidence for her to be going to a school five minutes away from where Jess worked. Too perfect. She didn't trust it.

Beside her, Jess was trying equally hard to hold in his emotions. She would be in Philly. Right down the road. She hadn't been right down the road from him in what felt like forever. There were still so many unknowns. But he couldn't help the swell of his heart. What were the chances? Plastering on a smug smirk, a mask to hide his exhilaration at her news, he nudged her gently with his elbow.

"So, you're Philly bound?"

"Seems that way," she said, nodding.

He hummed in acknowledgement, pausing to gaze at her for a moment. Freckles and Bette Davis eyes and a deep, raspy voice. So different but so familiar. She offered him a tiny smile, caught up in the moment. A swarm of pleasant butterflies fluttered in her stomach, and again, she wished they could kiss. Inside their private world, as they once had been.

"Y'know, I think it was fate," Jess said, smirk growing. "Us both ending up here."

She snorted a laugh and shook her head slightly. "Not all that idealist bullshit again, Mariano."

"Hey, not everything changes," Jess shrugged, taking another sip.

"Guess not," she said quietly, a fond sparkle in her hazel eyes. "But I'd expect nothing less from a Hemingway fetishist."

Jess rolled his eyes. "Whatever, Stevie Nicks."

Instead of retorting, Ella snatched the beer sitting before Jess and took a long sip. Setting it down in front of him again, she winked and then began to hum along to Julian Casablancas's lyrics.

. . .

"I'm serious. I was really planning on just getting a motel," Ella insisted.

Shushing her, a finger on his lips, Chris shook his head. He stood in the tiny kitchen, rummaging through the rusty fridge for some drunk food. Matthew was tipsy, and had already retreated to his room. Chris, however, had managed to get absolutely wasted. They'd practically dragged him up the stairs in Truncheon to the apartment above, while he babbled loudly, complaining about his boyfriend being out of town for the open house. Now, as Jess and Ella argued about her sleeping in the apartment, he offered slurred interjections and cackles off to the side.

Jess, having only drunk two beers over the course of the day, rolled his eyes at his friend. "Go to bed, man."

"Make me, Jess," Chris replied jovially, retrieving a box of fried chicken from behind the half-and-half. Straightening up, he shot them both a smug grin and made for the bedroom he shared with Matthew. "Have fun, kids."

Do You See Her Face? (A Jess Mariano Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now