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This time I'm the one walking back and forth in the Lab. The conversation that Kat had with the President twirls around in my mind as I think back to a specific comment he said.

There are things that are better left into the unknown...

What secrets could this man hide? Anger starts in my muscles and I let my hands turn into fists. The thought of my sister going back to that man makes my blood boil. Confusion and nerves make me dizzy and I take a seat. A long sigh escapes my lips and I rub my eyes as they turn heavy. I wish this was over already. If only things were different...

"Hey." Jordyn's voice makes me look up from the ground.

"Hey." I'm surprised to hear my voice scratchy so I clear my throat. "I'm glad Kat is on her way back." As I say this, a surge of relief fills my body along with Jordyn's warm hand on mine.

"Yeah. We all are." He stays silent for a second as his green eyes search for that vulnerability in my eyes. I still find it fascinating the way his eyes seem to change color everyday. For a second, I let my muscles relax with Jordyn.

But my stubbornness takes the best of me. I clear my throat and sit up straighter, pushing away the exhaustion I truly have. "What did you think of the conversation they had?"

Jordyn understands my sudden change in posture and leaves his concern. Instead, anger seems to flare in his beautiful eyes. He stands up from his crouch and crosses his arms on his broad chest. "Well. There's a few things I can think of that makes me want to rip him apart. I hope Kat won't even think of asking Nikki to go because I'm not approving of it. After what he said...I don't want to see him even in pictures!"

"I know how you feel." I stand up this time and let my arms cross on my chest. His anger surprises me, but my feet stand their ground on their own. "I don't want my sister near that man. I don't trust him either, but there's something we need to do. And in order to do something we need more intel. The more, the better."

"Yes. But it doesn't have to be my sister!" He quickly lowers his voice and looks over where Nikki is with Dom. They seem stuck in their little world of stiffness that they barely noticed Jordyn. Blake sits next to Dan as they look into something in the computers and Mia disappeared into the underground kitchen with Christina. Alexander is in his own world of technology as he seems to plan for tomorrow's events.

I step closer to Jordyn and lower my voice. As I'm about to let my own defiance take charge into an argument, the sadness in him just makes my heart shrink. Without thinking twice, my arms wrap around his strong body and I let my head fall on his chest. At first, it seems almost surprising for him also, but he lets his chin rest on the top of my head and we slowly fall into each other's embrace.

My voice is only a whisper when I say, "It's going to be okay. I'm scared, too."

"I know," Jordyn says as he seems to break down his walls. "But we can get through this. Especially if I have you."

I chuckle as I look up to his smirk. "Well I hope we get to work together then." I let my toes lift me up to reach up to his lips. I smile as Jordyn immediately responds back.

We stop quickly as I hear Blake clear her throat awkwardly. "I'm sorry. I don't mean to interrupt..."

I tuck a stand of hair behind my ear and chuckle. "No. It's okay." I squeeze Jordyn's hand with one last smile and walk up to my sister. "What's up? Any plans for tomorrow?"

"I don't know," Blake says. Her voice almost like a tired whisper. "All I know is that Kat is almost here and Dr. A wants us all in the living room."

"Okay." I watch as we walk through the dark hallway the way she shoves her hand in her jacket and sighs. That heaviness I feel in my chest is reflected in her dark eyes. "Hey." I put a hand on her shoulder and she stops walking. "Are you okay?"

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