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After a few hours of trying to get to know each other, we sit on the couch and try to watch a show. Clearly, some of us are way too different to even be friends but it's like I told them, "It's worth a try". When we finally find some sort of get-to-know-each-other game to play with Dom, Dr. A enters the room with his warm smile. It's odd that these people seem to use smiles to try to talk to you. We all stare at him in surprise, even Dom seems confused as Dr. A's sudden entrance.

"Alright ladies! It's time for you to meet your partners." His voice booming in the small room. We all glance at each other. Our partners? Weren't we the only ones?

"Oh! Right!" Dom stands up and takes out his hand for me to reach out, as if helping me to get up. "C'mon. This is going to be exciting."

With hesitation, I take his hand and let him lead me out the room with Kat and Emms behind us.

Down the hallway I can hear voices in the laboratory. I wonder who it is? I walk a little bit faster, but Dom grabs me by the shoulder lightly and says, "Woah there! Take it easy." His grin makes me even more curious.

Once we get closer I can hear the voices sound....male? Inside the laboratory, I'm surprised to see two boys standing there studying us from head to toes.

Dr. A stands in the back of the two boys holding each of their shoulders and says, "Emms, Blake, Kat ...I want you to meet Sam." He points at the boy on his right.

His posture is straight and strong, but there is this gentleness that seems to confuse this hardness in his jaw. His voice is low and soothing, similar to Dom's voice. He's very handsome, the kind of handsome that people would stop what they're doing just to watch him pass by. But the one thing that grabs my attention are his eyes. Sam's eyes are ... yellow.

Behind those wolf-like eyes, he carries this smoothness and peace that reminds me of Kat. Both having that soft feeling to their persona. He notices me for a second but draws his attention to Kat; an instant of a capturing moment.

"And Dan. It's his nickname." Dr. A points to the boy to his left with a wide smile.

Dan is a lot different than Sam. He doesn't carry a noticeable broadness that Sam has and his smile is the most genuine I have ever seen before. His expression is much nicer than Dom's and his soft brown eyes make my lips curl up in a small smile. Those eyes are big with this wonderous shine and a slight sadness. He seems to be as tall as Dom and they both are so alike. They could almost be brothers. The only difference there is, is the small glimpse of a still childish feature on Dan's face in contrast with Dom's firm jaw and confident posture.

Dan looks at me with those wide and shining eyes. "Hey."

His voice is nice and gentle. His playful smile brings out his handsome appearance. His hair is lighter brown than Dom's dark hair. I suppose my favorite part from this boy is the humble appearance he carries within his simpleness.

"Hey!" It's weird how I can connect to Dan faster than I did with my sisters. We both do a small chuckle and look away as Dom goes over to Sam and Dan and gives them a quick hug. He turns to his dad and says, "Alright dad, tells us who are our partners."

Dr. A looks at us and thinks for a few seconds until he says, "Dom, you will go with Emms. Dan, you will go with Blake. And Sam, you will go with Kat."

We all fall silent. Sam seems to like the decision because he just goes directly to Kat. Other than that, his face has no expression on the decision whatsoever.

Dan smiles along with me, but we aren't able to move from our spots. I look over at Dom and frown at his disappointed look.

I look over at Emms and watch how she rolls her eyes at Dom and starts to walk away; her heavy sigh echoing across the room. Kat just has this mixture of surprise and excitement as she looks at Sam. This time her dark blue eyes study him almost with wonder. Looking at him for the first time.

I put my hand on her shoulder and it's as if her muscles seem to relax. She gives me a small smile and starts to walk towards the hallway with Sam a few steps behind her.

I kinda like my partner. Excitement starts to fill my own system as I shake Dan's firm hand. I think Dan and I are going to be great friends.

"Okay, seems like you kids have started off already, so I'll leave you to it." Dr. A gives the rest of us a warm smile, and returns to his computer.

Dom sighs and says, "We're going to have such a great day." He starts walking towards the hallway with an angry frown. My hands turn into fists with the thought of Dom hurting Emms.

I was so focused on this hate for Dom starting inside me that I didn't notice that Dan was calling me. Startled, I turn to see Dan inviting me over to sit on a small chair next to him. Out of instinct, my feet follow his voice.

"Well, nice to meet you Blake. You already know my name so I'll just say that I'm Dom's brother, which you probably already knew ..." I laugh at his awkwardness.

He smiles, almost seems relieved that I didn't get mad. He gets up and starts walking to the door that leads to the dark hallway.

I can't wait to get out of here and see what's outside.

I follow him almost with an excited skip in my step.

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