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I slowly open my eyes and feel someone's hand holding mine. I turn to see Sam asleep next to the sofa I'm at. His head is turned to the side so I can see his face. He looks even more beautiful asleep.

I smile and slowly pull my hand away from him. I quietly stretch and look around. Seems like we were here for a few hours and everyone else has decided to go to sleep in their designated rooms. I suppose the tsunami is over now.

He slightly moves his head and rubs his eyes. When he has his eyes entirely open, a small smile starts on his lips. "Hey Kitty Kat." His low and soothing voice makes me smile. He quickly stretches and stands up.

I rub my eyes and say, "Sam ...where's everyone? How long did we stay playing the piano?"

I look around again and see that the wall to go into the laboratory is closed and the dim light of the small living room makes me squint in order to see what's in front of me.

"Hey, it's okay. They're all upstairs. I guess we decided to take a break and we fell asleep. I suppose it's safe from the tsunami now."

"How are we safe? How is the house not destroyed?"

"Well...no one knows how the government works, but sometimes it does amazing things and sometimes it does stupid things with this city. And this time it was one of those amazing things, but a little late."

He stops to see if I'm listening which I am, so he continues.

"Look. When the tsunami started, the government just stared at it and didn't do anything. But when it started bringing down some houses around the beach they put in this kind of.....invisible shield to certain houses and each building. So it didn't hit us." Sam steps at a small panel at the side of the living room. I watch his hands race across a neon keyboard on a clear tablet. A small sound appears and the wall immediately opens again; showing the dim laboratory. I follow Sam out of this living and the wall closes behind us.

I stopped talking to watch all this in awe. Things around here seem to be doing that to me lately, but the subject of our conversation comes back to mind. "Wait. To certain houses? What does that mean?"

We both know what it means but Sam sighs and says, "I know what you're thinking and there's nothing we can do about it."

The thought that only certain families can survive gives me chills. How is it possible to leave out so many innocent people just because they're poor or ungifted? The thought disgusts me. I could be part of that group.

Sam notices my disgust towards the subject. He grabs my hand and softly says, "Don't worry about it now. It's all over. You're okay now."

What about the other people? Are they okay?

I haven't really thought about the government in this place, but now that I think about it, if so many people in this place have abilities and even the people in the government, then why don't they use it? They have abilities for a reason, so why not use it now? There's so many that don't have abilities and they would do something.

Sam asks if I have any questions, so I ask, "People have special abilities, right?" Sam nods at this and chuckles lightly. "Then why don't they use it in situations like this? I mean, like you can freeze the water from destroying houses and killing people. Or Dom can burn it up. Maybe Emms can make everyone go to their house so they can stay safe! Or even Blake can fly with Dan and tell people to stop what they're doing and run!"

He quietly smiles. His smile is small and sad as he says, "It's not that easy Kat. There's rules to obey."

Well, I guess that's true, so I nod in agreement. There is nothing we can do about it. For now.

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