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I wake up with a pain in my back. My body still feels weak, but I'm strong enough to get up. I stretch and look around.

I don't see the man or the boy anywhere, so my heart starts racing.

Where am I? How did I get here?

I sit up slowly and to my left I see two other tables.

Am I not the only one?

I try to get up slowly, but my feet are asleep, so I sit there until I can actually feel my legs again. On the other end of the room there's a table with computers and needles.

I stand up this time with little numbness in my legs, and walk up to one of the computers. On the screen there's some sort of data. Each column has a name: Emms, Blake and Kat, describing who they are.

I look at the rest of the table. The needles look similar like the one I got when I first woke up, and they have some kind of neon, orange liquid. As I grab one of the needles, I hear a sudden noise. I turn around quickly, but no one's there. I look quickly to where the sound came from. The dark hallway remains ominously quiet.

Great. Now I'm starting to hear things. I shake my head and sigh quietly. That injection must have had something in it.

Almost instantly, another sound comes again from the dark hallway but this time it's different. It almost sounded like...laughter?

I swallow hard as I start walking up to the dark hallway. Curiosity taking over all of my reasonable instincts.

I've heard before that curiosity kills the cat. And now I'm letting curiosity take over the muscles of my body as I stop in front of the entrance that leads to the darkness. I hesitantly lean a bit and try to listen for any noise. After a while of hollowness, the laughter comes again and without thinking twice, I start walking through that dark hallway.

The hallway has a few dim lights here and there. The walls are cold but smooth. My hands run through its cement as I walk quietly; with only the echo of bare feet against the grey tiles. I try to follow the voices but it seems like it's getting farther and farther.

Finally, after what seemed to be going left and right forever, I see a light up ahead. I smile.

I finally made it.

The voices are clearer now. I recognize the male voices but there also ...female voices? The walls are a brighter white and joy starts creeping up once I see a bright door.

I start walking faster now. No. I'm running. But once I reach the stairs to go through the bright entry, I hesitate again.

What if this is a trap? What if I'm dead and this is the end.

One of the voices interrupts my racing thoughts. I lean over to better understand the muffled voice.

Curiosity killed the cat

Laughter interrupts my thoughts this time.

It's either going back or going through that entry and taking the risk.

I hear one of the voices say, "I wonder if Kat's awake already. Shouldn't someone go see her?"

I lean over more to listen carefully. The voices are a little less muffled, but I still know what they're saying.

Another unfamiliar voice says, "Who's Kat?"

Immediately I decide that I want to take the risk. I take one step and I'm in.

Inside, the light is bright and the walls are white. Such brightness nearly blinds me for a second as my eyes start to adjust to this room. There's a kitchen, and another hallway, to the left of the kitchen that leads to where the voices come from. I walk slowly through the hallway. To the right of it there's a room with sofas and a Television. The room is made of wood and carries a warm atmosphere.

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