
4.7K 76 11

Genre: Angst/fluff
Member: Mark
Unit(s): NCT 127, NCT U
Requested by: elninosaurus

Mark's eyes were pooled with tears and flooded with pain as he stared into her eyes, his hands shaking as they reached up to push the hair out of her eyes. Her eyes were already streaming, soft, uncontainable whimpers escaping her lips as her other hand grasped his tighter for the last time.

"I'm sorry, you know I have to." Kwon whispered before her hand dropped from his as she took a step back, stumbling slightly. His hands grabbed her to steady her as he gulped down before turning away. He couldn't watch her walk away from him, from them. Especially not when he had supported her leaving Korea for her hometown when she felt immense homesickness. He just wanted the best for her.

Kwon turned on her heel and began to walk towards the gate doors, afraid to look back, afraid she wouldn't be able to stop herself from running back. But she couldn't help it, she turned to watch his figure as it became smaller, his eyes turned to hers one last time before she entered.

Mark retreated back, entering the car, the air was tense despite Johnny, Jaehyun and Haechan's attempts to diffuse it. He couldn't hear anything but the sound of her voice, the soft whimpers and sobs replaying in his head like a melancholic melody.

Kwon felt as though the tears would never stop leaking from her eyes, the entire flight was spent crying until she finally cried herself to sleep, rejecting all food and drinks. Upon arrival, she took a cab back to her house, her body shaking as she suppressed the sobs. But once she was finally back in her old room after using the excuse of jet lag for her family, the sobs racked through her body, threatening to shatter the vessel completely.

She missed his smile, the way he would get hyper whenever she came over and jump over to hug her, the way she would be able to snuggle up to him in bed. Now her bed was empty, cold and felt too big altogether. She even missed how he got angry at her when she messed up or even for petty things. And she had left all of that behind, she left him behind.

The homesickness Kwon had felt was nothing compared to how she felt leaving him, it ached and hurt every part of her body, the cold seeped through her very bones. The next week dragged on like it would never end for both of them, like they would never smile again, it was dreary and cold.

She could feel her mother getting worried, and this was proven when she finally entered her room on the seventh day, worry etched across her features as she sat on her bed silently. "You belong with him, Kwon." She whispered as her daughter peered up at her through swollen, puffy eyes. "You missed your house, your family, but in search of that, you left behind your home. Think about it." She smiled tentatively before leaving the room.

The house was not a home without him.

Mark paced back and forth, before finally collapsing on the ground. He could not get anything right, he couldn't fix the pitch of his voice, he couldn't get the lyrics right and he was being constantly chided by his managers. Taeyong frowned at the sight of him, before a loud ping diverted his attention back to his phone. His eyes widened and he ran from the room, leaving the other isolated.

Mark dragged his feet on the ground as he finally reached the door to his dorm room, prepared to see the manager whom he shared the room with. Instead, his eyes were met with flames and his nose was met with the smell of vanilla. Scented candles?

His eyes followed the candles to the bed, where he saw the last person he expected to see.

"Kwon?" He gasped. It took him a second to process the sight of the love of his life grinning widely in front of him before he ran and lunged at her, wrapping her in that warm familiar hug. She laughed softly, the laugh he had missed so much, the laugh he adored with his whole heart.
"How are you here? I thought you- you-"

"I came back, Mark. The homesickness I felt being away from you was much more than anything I felt for that house. You're my home." She whispered, a soft smile playing on her lips as she drank in his every feature, scared he would disappear.

Mark refused to leave her side from that day on, she was even brought to practices with him as well as recordings. He could not let her go again. Not again.

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