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Genre: Fluff
Member: Jisung
Unit (s): NCT Dream
Requested by: NurAmalyn

Genre: FluffMember: JisungUnit (s): NCT DreamRequested by: NurAmalyn___________________________________

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Jisung trying to get your attention while you're studying

"If A^2 plus B^2 is equals to 195.6, then..." you read the question aloud, fiddling with your pen as your eyes swiftly scanned the paper in a calculating manner. Your brows furrowed with the concentration of someone trying to move a mountain with their eyes and frustration grew steadily in your (e/c) orbs. "What the shit? The answer is 85 at the back... I GOT 2.5?!" You groaned in obvious frustration as you shut your eyes, resting your head on your hands.

"Hey. Hey. It's me." A soft, angelic voice called from before you, causing you to open your eyes to be met with your boyfriend, Jisung's. "Why don't you take a break and we could spend some time together?" He requested in attempts to relieve you of your stress.

"Jisung, love, if I stop now and spend time with you, I will literally never finish this." I sighed, trying to be as firm as Jeno was when Jisung had to practice. His pleading eyes were irresistible but I had to hold my ground. Or, at least try to.

"But we could cuddle~" He sang, trying successfully to tempt you. You could feel yourself giving in before you looked away from him firmly and shook your head.

"Nope, nope, Sungie, I will not give in, you cannot tempt me." You responded, your voice stronger than your actual will to study.

"I could sing for you~" He offered desperately. When you refused to look up, he poked you. Constantly. Until you looked up.

"Nope, no can do." You answered apologetically as you shifted your gaze back down with visible difficulty. He raised his brows and came up behind you to kiss your cheeks. Although your eyes avoided him, your face immediately reddned at his actions. When you still did not get up, he glared playfully and poked your stomach, tickling you and making you jump five feet into the air. "Jisung~ no." You stated strictly.

"Hmph. Fine." Jisung huffed, his arms crossed across his chest as he looked away. You felt absolutely awful for doing this, he was a giant puppy and honestly, you really did want to cuddle. But at the same time, you didn't want your teacher to lose his temper at you in class.

Feeling guilty, yet determined, you returned to face your Math homework. The words seemed to be floating and dancing around your head meaninglessly, almost taunting you as you attempted to understand them. Feeling someone's eyes on you, you looked up to find Jisung's eyes on you. As soon as your eyes met his, he looked away indignantly and browsed through Netflix on the now switched on television. An amused smile painted your lips as you turned to go back to your homework, shaking your head. So if A^2 is... is that the intro to my favourite movie? My train of thoughts was interrupted as my head shifted up to the familiar sound. This boy...

I sighed, trying not to laugh and give in, reverting my attention to my work. "Oh, I think I'll get myself some ice cream~" Jisung sang innocently, glancing sneakily at his girlfriend who struggled to not give in. It was working.

Taking his bowl full of her favourite flavour of ice cream, instead of returning to the sofa, he sat opposite her and took a large bite. "Ah~ so good!" He groaned overdramatically. She didn't look up.

Fine, now he had to shift to his final resort. "Y/N is a cutie~ Sungie is a cutie~ Sungie wants Y/N's attention if Y/N will give her baby Sungie some attention~~" He sang, his hands on his bright red, tomato-like cheeks as his head softly tilted from side to side, his lips forming a soft pout.

Your heart absolutely melted. He knew exactly what to do to make you listen to him. "Awwww~" You cooed, reaching your hand out to softly pinch his cheek as he flushed. It isn't like I'm getting the right answers anyway. You thought as your mind gave in. Your heart had already given in when he had come up to you. "Come, let's go cuddle~"

"YAYY" He cheered to celebrate his victory, a huge, brighter-than-the-sun smile plastered on his face as he jumped up, pulling you from your seat and carrying you to the sofa where he dumped you. He returned with the bowl of ice cream and a blanket, and you watched the movie together, cuddled in the blanket while he fed you and himself ice cream.

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