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Genre: Fluff/ Angst
Member: Jeno
Unit(s): NCT Dream

The girl's eyes remained fixated onto her book as her eyes absorbed the words as though they were a sponge and words were water. The beautiful words used by the author kept her focused, the similes used created paintings more extravagant than any artist could paint. In fact, she was so absorbed, she hardly noticed a boy take a seat beside her with a smile. "Minseon." He whispered in her hair, jerking her back from her adventure in the land of words on the yellowing paper with an unpleasant jolt.

Shock poured over her features like a water bucket had been emptied on her. "Jeno! You scared me!" She laughed softly, careful not to disturb the piercing silence of the library, cut only by the sound of pages turning. A wide smile formed on his lips, his eyes turning to crescents, shining brighter than any star.

"You should've expected me, I told you I would be coming to pick you up at 3." He tilted his head, his eyes scanning over her face to admire it. She was his painting, and he was her sky. That's how the two described each other, using intricate descriptions. She couldn't imagine her life without him and vice versa.

"It's 3 already?" She curiously peered at her watch. "I must've lost track of time while I was reading."

"It's okay. Come on now, love, let's go." He stood up, reaching out his hand to help her pull herself to her feet. Their hands met gently, yet it caused a red blush to creep up on the girl's cheeks. It had been three years since they had been together, yet she could never stop her emotions at the smallest gestures he made.

"Jeno, do you think we'll get to grow up together?" She asked innocently, looking up at the wispy clouds that decorated the sky.

"Is that even a question? Of course we'll grow up together." The boy smiled, his eyes looking at her the way hers looked at the words on the book, yet they held a sadness that he didn't dare show when she looked at him. Instead, he replaced it with a wider smile. "But even if we don't, you'll find someone you love, okay? And you're going to get married and have children and grand-children. I'll continue waiting for the day we get to be together again, dead or alive."

"Hey, don't be like that. We'll stay together forever, I won't ever love anyone like I love you." Minseon stopped in her steps, standing on her toes to kiss his lips. No matter how cheesy it sounded, she felt the fireworks all over again, she fell in love with him over and over every second she was around him.

"I won't either. I promise." He offered his pinky finger. Minseon giggled before locking it with her own.

"I love you so much. I'm so sorry." Jeno whispered the last sentence under his breath as he inhaled her scent. He wanted it to be the last thing he smelt.

"What was that?" She asked, absentmindedly, gazing at the sky again, turning to look at the better substitute for it, his eyes.

"Nothing, I was just saying I love you." he patted her head, a smile playing on his lips while hidden sadness danced behind the curtains of dismay.

"I love you too, do you want to head home now?" She questioned, holding onto his large, warm hand with her smaller one.

"Oh, I actually have to go to my mom for dinner, I'll drop you off though." He lied. He hated - no he despised lying to her, but it was the only way.

"Are you sure you can drop me-"

"Yes." He firmly spoke, his hand wrapped tightly around hers. He wanted to hold onto her so desperately, but she was slipping away like sand. Everything was slipping away. He cherished every moment and step as they walked, her amused chatter continuing beside him, it was a comforting sound. It felt like home. She was his home.

Too soon they reached the familiar wooden door, where they had to part. "Minseon, promise me you'll take care no matter what, okay?" Jeno's eyes sparkled unusually bright as he held onto her shoulders.

"Of course I will. Is there any reason you're being so cautious today?" She laughed, the sound was like a melody to his ears, the most beautiful song he would ever hear.

"No, I just get scared leaving you home alone." He forced another lie through his teeth, his fingers reaching down to meet hers, his hands brushing against the diamond engagement ring on her finger, his own ring touching her other hand. "I love you with everything I have and more. You have to take care of yourself. Don't do anything bad, I-" he stopped mid-way, coughing, his eyes watering before he continued. "I love you." He whispered, his lips touching hers, more desperate than before.

"I love you too, are you okay though?" She asked , peering into his face before he looked down, hiding it.

"I'm okay, and you have to be too." He spoke hurriedly. "My Mom will be waiting. You know how she gets, I have to go." He smiled at her, his eyes forming the crescents she loved so dearly.

"Okay, come home early!" She called after him, as he ran. He glanced back, a smile on his lips. Then she saw it, bright and clear as he removed his disguise for the first time. The sadness and pain as he forced himself to pull away, to leave her at the door, one last time.

"I love you!" Is all he yelled back, as he ran with the wind. Confusion and worry settled upon Minseon. Was his mother sick? Had something happened in his family? No, he would've told her if something was wrong. Wouldn't he?

"Is this Mrs. Lee?" A sharp voice inquired over the phone speaker.

"Y-yes, who's this?" Minseon answered into the microphone of her phone.

"Are you married to Lee Jeno?"

"Marri- Yes." She replied, anxiously twisting her hair around her finger.

"Your husband is in the hospital, as you may already know, he's got Leukemia. I'm sorry to inform you that the surgery went wrong. Lee Jeno is going to pass away soon." The woman spoke, her words swirling like a hurricane in Minseon's head.

"Leukemia? He never told- I'm on my way."

Her heart had dropped into her shoes. This had to be a sick prank. Tears pricked her eyes, falling down like thick drops of paint on the canvas that was her face.

She didn't even see who she bumped into, oblivious to the world around her, her thoughts focused on her world that lay in the hospital.

She didn't even process anything beside the door number as she entered the cold, plain building. Everything was bland and tasteless, Jeno hated places like this. "Jeno!" A pained cry left her throat as he pushed open the door to reveal her fiancé. His make-up had been removed, revealing the pale, sick face he tried to hide from her and the eyes that only seemed to shine around her.

"Minseon." A weak smile played on his chapped lips, his dull eyes lighting up as much as they could.

"Jeno, you can't leave me, why didn't you tell me-"

"I didn't want our last days to be sad, I know you would eventually obviously find out but I wanted to be happy one last time. You made me feel alive while I was dying inside. You made me forget. No-" he hushed her as she begun to speak, his ice cold finger touching her lips. "I've left a letter for you in the drawer. I told you to find someone better to love, leave me, please, be happy."

"I can't, I'm nothing without you, you are my happiness." Sobs escaped her lips, the tears being brought to life in her eyes and dying on her mouth, his cold fingers held onto hers. "I love you, please."

"I love you so much." He whispered, a smile on his lips as they kissed hers one last time before a loud beep rang through the room.

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