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Genre: Fluff
Member: Jaemin
Unit: NCTDream
Requested By: _MissMisunderstood_

A/N: Sorry if this is bad or not what you expected! I've been having severe jetlag, and if you'd like, I'll gladly write another one right now for you 💖

Eshal's eyes wandered from one costumed figure to another. The SMTown Halloween party was one of the biggest events of the year and everyone had taken advantage of the minimal freedom of choice - to choose their costumes - and had gone way overboard, to the point where hardly anyone was recognisable. That would be true for the girl, had she not trained tirelessly under the company for over five years.

A frown painted itself upon her features as she pushed further into the center of the party, still unable to find what she had been seeking.

"Peek - a - boo." A giggle bubbled out of the boy's throat as he poked her side, causing her to jump in alarm.

"My God, Na Jaemin!" She exclaimed, breathing fast, her hand over her heart as his eyes scanned her from head to toe. She rolled her eyes teasingly as she caught sight of this. "You could at least try to be subtle."

"When have I ever been subtle, love?" He threw a playful wink at her as he snagged a glass of juice from a passing waiter. Eshal wished she had grown accustomed to his constant charming aura, that way she wouldn't have to blush everytime he mindlessly flirted with her, nor feel her heart race as they made eye contact with each other. She had attempted, countlessly to remind him that he needn't flirt with her, afterall they had been dating for almost a year now. Although, she thought proudly, she seemed to have gotten better at it with time.

"True, true." She chirped, copying his actions and letting her eyes drift towards his outfit. Eshal let out a laugh, shaking her head in disbelief when she realised who he had dressed up as. " You blackmailed Jiyeon into showing you my costume, didn't you?" She referred to her band member.

Jaemin shrugged innocently, the corners of his mouth turning upwards. "Perhaps it was just fate? We are meant for each other -" at her gaze, he cut himself off. "Oh alright, she might've let it slip that you were dressing up as Minnie Mouse, so, naturally, I had to come as Mickey Mouse." He grinned, throwing an arm around her shoulder as she rolled her eyes playfully, leaning into him. She simply enjoyed his presence, even if they did nothing, she liked the comfort he brought with him whenever he was around her. "I have to tell you something." He mumbled, she looked up at him curiously, his eyes darted around the room before, he suddenly grabbed her shoulders and steered her to a less noisy corner of the room.

"Jaemin- what?" Eshal cautiously eyed him, flabbergasted by his unusual and sudden change in demeanour. The other boy simply glanced around them nervously before lowering his eyes to hers. "Nana -"

"Iwanttotelleveryone." He rushed out at once, looking past her once more, playing with his fingers.

"You - what?" She inquired incredulously. He was never like this.

"I want to tell everyone." Jaemin repeated, meeting her eyes.

"Tell them what?"

"I want to tell them about us-"

"Jaemin, it's so risky. You know what fans are like." Eshal softly explained.

"I know, you know I know, but I think I'll explode this way." He whispered.

"Jaemin -"


He stared pleasingly into her eyes with his big, brown ones. She sighed resignedly before smiling at him. She couldn't resist the look in his eyes. "Okay."



That night, she decided what was going to happen would happen eventually, and there was no point in forestalling or delaying it. All the couple hoped for was a positive outcome and support.

And they got it. The day they finally opened up about their love for each other, they received overwhelming love from their supporters. Of course, some fans left, but in place of them came many others. Jaemin couldn't ask for more, with the love of his life tucked comfortably under his arm as she rested from a long day of practice. He found himself smiling, not having to fear being with the person that made him so unbelievably happy and being able to live his dream seemed so unreal, but all of the phenomenal fans made it a reality.

NCT Scenarios [BOOK 1] 🏹 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now