Lucas (1/2)

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Genre: Fluff/ Angst
Member: Lucas
Unit: NCT U
Requested by: eternalnamjoon

A/N: I know it's been forever since I updated and I'm so sorry! There's just been a lot that's been going on, so I decided to take a small break. Thank you all so much for standing by, enjoy!

"Well, I guess this is it." Lucas concluded heavily, crossing his arms over his chest as he attempted to bring casualty to the situation, his brown eyes travelling everywhere across the empty apartment aside from me. Unable to find any words to answer him with, I simply nodded, pushing myself off the counter and grabbing my bag. I couldn't believe we were leaving six years of working and perfecting this relationship behind. When and why had we even decided this?

"See you... later." I finished, pausing at the door and casting him one last look from the doorway before shutting the door on him. I breathed a sigh I hadn't realised I was holding in. Without another look backwards, I begun my journey forwards.

The sun finally peered out from behind the curtains of velvety clouds for what seemed like the first time since this phase of cold dreariness seemed to possess the city like a dark and demonic presence. Perhaps it was the weather changing, but I was feeling sick. Sicker than usual at least. I couldn't suppress this overwhelming feeling of nausea and had actually vomited once or twice in the past three days. My temporary roommate and childhood best friend seemed to have noticed and wouldn't let it slide. "Younghoon," I whined as he stared at me sternly from across the table. "I really do not want to go see a doctor, I hate hospitals and I'm probably fine, it's just the weather."

"I do not care if it's the weather or your shoe that's making you this sick. I'm not asking you to live in the hospital, just get checked, please." His voice softened as he pleaded, eyeing me hopefully in a way I knew I had to give into whatever he wanted me to do. He had done this since we were younger and it always worked.

I groaned as I felt the contents of my stomach churn and clung onto the table for support. Younghoon gave me a knowing look. I let out a breath before nodding. "Alright, alright. We'll do it." I'd go see this doctor he wanted me to see, at least it would satisfy his curiosity and he would stop pestering me every second he got.

"Great, because I already booked an appointment and that money would go to waste." He laughed jokingly, shooting me a wink as he pushed the table away and stood up to pull on his jacket. I rolled my eyes before laughing and slipping on my own coat that I had draped onto the back of my chair.

Arriving at the hospital sent another wave of nausea surging through me. The smell of spirit and numerous medical alcohols stained it's pristine white hallways. Everything about it was haunting, from the Nurse's false smiles before they gave you the bad news to the photos of doctors that leered at you from the edge of every wall. A feeling of discomfort and uneasiness followed as I was forced to leave Younghoon in the waiting room to be led down one of the hallways where the doctor awaited.

His hair matched the colour of the walls behind him, his thinly rimmed glasses placed on the very top of his elongated nose. A smile spread across his chapped lips as I entered, hoping to communicate his consolation, yet none of it reached me. I bowed in greeting before taking a seat before him. "You're Ms. Helly, correct?" He questioned, his eyes peering at me over the rim of his glasses.

"That would be me sir." I inclined my head at his words, continuing to stare at the wool of my sweater between my fingers that I had been fumbling with subconsciously since my arrival.

"Briefly explain to me what you've been experiencing and then we'll run some quick, painless tests, alright?" He politely told me, his eyes still trained on my face as he opened a file.

I coughed uncomfortably and fidgeted slightly under his strong gaze. "Well, these past few days I've been feeling severely sick, and I was sure it was due to the weather before I began vomiting consecutively." I relayed vaguely, however the doctor seemed to have already formulated a conclusion based off of my words.

He let out a large breath before shutting his file and placing his hands over it heavily. "Ms. Helly, are you currently in a relationship?"

Taken aback by the question, my mouth fell open. I suddenly felt like a fish underwater. "Yes- No, actually." I managed to croak out at last, correcting myself. My eyes followed his every movement warily. What was he implying?

"Well, according to your symptoms, there's only one conclusion." He spoke, suspense and tension hung in the air as the words left his mouth. "You're pregnant."

This time, I was sure my jaw hit the floor. My brain stopped functioning, suddenly I could hear every noise in the room that I hadn't noticed earlier. The tick-tocking of the clock vibrated through my ears, muffled slightly by the cries of the creaking doors outside opening and closing.

"Okay." I managed to speak, but that seemed to be all I could utter in that moment. Without another word, without letting him continue, I hurried out the door without another look back.

"You have to tell him." Younghoon firmly demanded, his arms crossed as his figure towered over mine. I stared at my lap, clouded by his shadow. My teeth tugged uncertainly at my bottom lip, my fingers subconsciously tracing the design on the back of my phone cover.

Before I could think of another reason to not tell who I knew was the father, I nodded and lifted the phone to my ear. My eyes met Younghoon's as the words escaped my mouth like a flurry before I could stop them. "Hello, Lucas? We need to talk."

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