[YOU'RE SAFE NOW] - TodoKami

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This chapter includes:
-Villain Shoto Todoroki
-Vine referances
- Small Smut (cause I'm still bad at writing it)

Requested by: Todobaku101

Shoto sat on the couch scrolling through his phone. His brother Touya, or Dabi as he likes to be called, sitting at the bar with a beer in his hand. Dabi smiled devishly at his brother and slammed the bottle down on the counter. Shoto looked up at him unamused. "What." The dual haired male growled.

"Wanna have some fun?" Dabi asked, his blue eyes glistening in the dimly lit lair.

"What sort of fun are you talking about?" Shoto asked, now intrigued as he put his phone down.

"Well there's this hero named 'Chargebolt', he'd seem like an easy target." Dabi smirked, remembering seeing that dunce in a news report after he saved some hostages. "He's powerful but he's pretty stupid and most likely easy to manipulate."

Shoto smiled, leaning forward. "This'll be fun."

The two brothers smiled at each other before being interrupted by Shigaraki slamming the door open. "You two! Get up! We're going hero hunting!"

"Wow, talk about plot convince." Shoto mumbled, sitting up and grabbing his bag. Which was full of tear gas, and other weapons.

They snuck their way towards Chargebolt's house, which was a cottage at the edge of town near the forest. Shoto looked into the window finding their target struggling to make lunch. He gave a thumbs up, as Dabi held out a tear gas container for him.

Shoto pulled the pin as Toga held the window open. "This Bitch empty! YEET!" Shoto yelled as he threw the container in. Immediately, the gas exploded covering the small house in smoke. Dabi stood by the door with a brown string bag in his hands and Twice stood on the other side with rope.

Right on cue, Chargebolt ran out of the house coughing like a maniac. Dabi smirked as he pulled the bag over the Hero's head, pinning him to the ground. Twice came up starting to hog tie their victim. Shoto had to come up and hold down the hero with the help of Dabi because the blonde was not going down without a fight.

After a while of struggling, they finally tied up their victim who was still struggling mind you and started their way back home.

_ _ _

Kaminari was used to getting kidnapped. It was usually for a randsom but other times it was to get back at his friends who are in the top 10.

But he didn't know why they wanted him this time.

All Denki knew was that he was tied up and blindfolded. Well if I am gonna end up dying, I'll die as I lived. "Hello?" Denki asked, he knew there should be someone here, it already someone watching him on a camrea. "Hold on, is this a Febreze commercial?"

Denki heard a snort in from somewhere in front of him. He couldn't help but think, is this a man of culture? "OwO? Is showmeoewn thwere?"

"No." The authority and the deepness of the voice struck a nerve in Denki's disaster of a Bisexual heart, and somehow got Denki thinking about that voice wrecking him. "No you are not doing that. I can tolerate vines, by I won't tolerate Tik Tok and that fury shit."

Got it.

Denki took a deep breath, ready to annoy the hell out of this person. "What do we have here? Asterix notices bulge. Let's have a little looksie~!" Denki promptly received a punch in the nose. He felt blood run down his face and lay on his upper lip. He smirked as he did his best to lean forward, he faked a moan and looked up "Harder daddy~"

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