[HIS BATTLE]- TetsuKamiKiri

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Tetsutetsu sat on the bed, a reasonably sized Pikachu sat in his hands. A golden ring lay on his finger, a sad smile played at his lips.

The room was dark dispite the shining sun in the clear blue sky. It is June 29th, Denki's birthday. Tears fell down his porcelain face, his ivory eyelashes catching a few from time to time.

Along the walls was memories, memories of the good times, memories of the love of his life, memories of Denki Kaminari.

He needs to go visit him. What's the point, this room is all he needs. You made a promise, go visit him.

"Tetsu!" Denki yelled, waving his whole arm like an idiot. "Hey Tetsu! Sit over here!"

"Yeah bro! Your boyfriend needs cuddles!" Ejiro joked, resting his fist on his chiseled jaw.

Tetsutetsu smiled, he was blessed with two angels. Sent straight from the heavens. He walked over, laughing at his energetic boyfriend who was literally bouncing in his seat. Ejiro got up, letting Tetsu sit in the middle of his two favorite people. Denki butted his head inbetween Tetsu's arm and side acting like a cat. Tetsutetsu giggled and wrapped his arm around his touch starved Pikachu.

"Oi," Bakugou grumbled, picking up his chopsticks and pointing at the three boys. "You break their hearts, I'll cut your dick off and stuff it down your throat as you scream."

"Got it my dude." The table laughed at Bakugou's regular antics before continuing with their lunch.

Tetsutetsu sighed, Eijiro was already there. He'll get mad if he's late.

"Tetsu that's not fair!" Denki whined looking up at his smiling boyfriend. Two ice cream cones on the floor and a pouting Eijiro and Denki looking at their boyfriend.

Tetsu smirked, his Ice Cream still in his hand. "It's not my fault, what are you talking about?"

"Babe you tickled us! You made us drop our Ice Creams!" Eijiro pouted, getting closer to his two boyfriends.

"Well now we get to share mine!" Tetsu chuckled, holding out his vanilla ice cream cone.

Denki sighed, crossing his arms. "That was your plan all along, wasn't it?"


Tetsu smiled again, finally getting up. Walking out the door, he turned, visions of all their sleepless nights playing video games waiting until one of them passed out.

"BOOYAH!" Denki yelled, jumping up to his feet. "Uh-huh! I'm awesome! Uh-huh!" He starting dancing around the room, the game controller forgotten on the King sized bed.

"And the Champion is dethroned!" Eijiro sang into Tetsu's ear. Their dogs jumping around all of them, fulled by the ADHD boy.

Tetsu smirked, leaning back against the mattress throwing the controller to the side. "Maybe I just let him win. You'll never know." Tetsu gave out a hearty laugh at the scandalized look his Pikachu gave him.

Tetsu passed by the park. The park where they found out the truth. Salty tears again fell down his face, why did it have to happen to him of all people?

The stars in the pitch black sky illuminated the park, three boys playing on the equipment.

Fireflies danced through the air as the boys ran around the speedy spinner, Denki in the middle, holding on to the pole for dear life. They laughed as the two muscular boys jumped onto the ride, keeping their eyes on the smaller male.

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