Chapter 1 ~ VIP

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A drink in one hand, your VIP pass in the other, life couldn't be better. The lights dim, and 4 of the most talented boys walk out on stage, Calum Hood, Ashton Irwin, Luke Hemmings and Michael Clifford.
A couple of songs pass, and a few drinks, you find yourself moving along to the music, singing your heart out, living in the moment.
However, you can't help but notice Calum staring at you from stage. Laughing to yourself, you know damn well that it's just the alcohol playing mind games. Calum Hood, staring at me? No way.
Soon, the last song plays. It only seemed like 5 minutes ago you were watching them walk out on stage, now you have to watch them leave. You take a deep breath in as they say their good byes and let reality kick in as you gather your things and get ready to leave.
Slowly making your way out of the venue, you feel a tight grasp on your upper arm. In shock, you turn around to see a tall man standing behind you, still holding your arm. It was security. Putting on a sober act, you smile,
"Sorry, sir, is there an issue?" You politely question his intentions, his grasp never leaving your arm, his face emotionless as he nods, "Come with me". Having no choice in the matter, he starts walking, holding you close by.
The walk felt like forever, a thousand thoughts flying through your head, what have I done wrong? You wonder.
You soon enter a room, looks too fancy to be an office for a security guard though, he lets go of your arm and leaves the room, saying nothing.
Seriously, what the fuck is going on? I just want to get some McDonald's and go to sleep.
You gather yourself and take a seat on the leather couch, 10 minutes pass until a familiar face walks in.

Thanks for reading, promise it gets better, see you next chapter  xo

Lover of mine ~ 5sos حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن