"This is for our flawless victory!" Bokuto shouted as he held a glass of water upward. The others, including myself, clinked our glasses to Bokuto's glass. "Cheers!"

Everybody was smiling widely then drank their glasses of water. We won our match earlier. On January, our team will compete at the nationals.

I was happy too that our team made it to the nationals, our team gave and fought with everything they have and thought that we deserve this. 

Everybody chomped down the food that was laid in front of us. Katsumi sat on my left side and Bokuto on my right. The two of them chomp down their food very quickly.

The Fukurodani reserved the whole small restaurant so it's just us inside. 

"Hey Akaashi-san, how's Fukuro?" Katsumi asked me.

"Oh he's doing fine. He grew bigger." I answered. "Ooh! I want to see Fukuro now!"

"Who's Fukuro? Your love child?" Konoha asked as he wiggled his eyebrows.

I only stared at him as Katsumi smiled.

"Oi! Say something! You're gonna seem like it's true!"

"Akaashi-san! Look! The indoor plants are really pretty!" Katsumi ignored Konoha and observed as she tugged on my white track jacket. "It indeed looks pretty, Katsumi-san."

"I think it was given lots of water and sunlight for them to grow this big."

Bokuto heard what her sister said then he started pouring water on Komi's head.

"Hear that Komi? You'll finally grow!" Bokuto announced as he continued watering him. Komi's eyes darken and mysterious black aura started to emit from him.

"Bokuto, you bastard!" Komi shouted as he kicked him on the face. Now, Bokuto was out cold. Komi returned to eat his food peacefully.

Konoha and Sarukui surround Komi and began pouring their glasses of water on Komi's head.

"Grow Komi, grow."

Konoha and Sarukui also received a kick to their face and they were also out cold like Bokuto.

"I told you, Washio-san. They'll do it too. I believe I won the bet." I said to him.

"Tch." he grabbed his wallet and pulled out money and handed it to me.

"Akaashi-san, I think I know the reason why Komi isn't growing even though we pour him lots of water." Katsumi said as she held onto the pitcher full of water.

"Katsumi-san, whatever you're planning please don't do it. You'll just receive a kick to the face." I tried to warn her but failed.

Katsumi quietly sneaked behind Komi who was eating. She quickly poured all the contents of the pitcher, soaking the libero wet.

"Qui!" Katsumi said as she put her hands up in the air in a energetic manner.

Komi's hair was down and wet, even his clothes were soaked wet. His eyes darken and dangerous aura stared to surround him.

"Ah Washio-san, I think we should make a run for it." I suggested. But even before we could escape, I felt a hand on my shoulder. "You're not going anywhere."

Komi had all of us sitting on our legs in front of him. We all looked down and have our hands on our laps.

"Do you have some crappy excuses? C'mon, I'll listen." Komi declared with his arms crossed and his right foot tapping on the floor.

"I only just wanted Komi to grow..." Bokuto mumbled with a pouty lips and deflated hair.

An angry vein popped on Komi's forehead. He had his eyes closed but his eyebrow was twitching in annoyance.

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