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If you haven't noticed, this book features an unusual ship.

I adore this ship, it's dynamic, the endless possibilities, the contrast, the fact that I actually CREATED the ship—

Please read at least most of this chapter.

First note; the songs I will put at the top of every chapter will not be super closely related to the chapter. They are just songs I like. Feel free to listen.

What to expect, and things that may trigger some people that I wanna give heads up on!

No beating around the bush;
This book will contain very dark themes.

Self hatred,
suicidal thoughts,
sadistic natures,

No, this will not be in all the book 24/7, but it will be laced along some chapters. It will have humor and fluff moments ofc, too!

It is a ship book owo
There will be a happy ending owowo
Don't hate me owowowo

In a book like this, I wouldn't be physically able to give a bad ending though

It takes a while for the characters to warm up to each other!
There may be sin at one point much later in the book, but I'm not sure.

Fresh is pretty much the main character in the book.
I have a lot of different things I want to do with this book, so let's see how it goes. This is honestly the first book I've been this dedicated to finish... so high hopes!

When it comes to scheduling, I don't know when I'll update. I try to have at least one chapter unposted just in case I run behind and wanna post Anyways.

I'm extremely nervous to post this, I was tempted to just write it and never post it, but if your reading this I guess I didn't do that.

Also about Shattered;
His AU is an extended version of Dreams story. He exists in the same multiverse as Dream. Dreamtale doubled so this could happen, and Shattered has Dreams memories because he is Dream in a way. He's just Dream that went through metamorphosis.

Also also about Fresh;
Fresh is a small creature with four tentacles, he's a shiny purple color. He has to go and get a  new body once every two weeks, the AUs he takes the bodies from often destroy themselves or Fresh will destroy them.

Okay bai- idk, maybe I'll add more to this later as I see fit.

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