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My name is Meara, and I'm a Siren.

No, we are not "women or winged creatures whose singing lured unwary sailors onto rocks" as your Google tells you when you look it up.

We are half-fish, half-human creatures, created when Persephone needed handmaidens. There are three of us, and only ever three at a given time. Now that Demeter has cursed us to remain in the mortal world, we are immortal. My two sisters are called Himeropa and Libitina.

Sirens are- were cold and calculating. Demeter made us this way. By casting us down, she cursed us to live forever upon this place humans call Earth. This place where humans hunt down and murder animals, just to waste the majority of the carcass. This place where humans believe they are the most intelligent beings and whose need to experiment and create things that do not belong is destroying that which does belong. Where humans create so much pollution, they are choking the air out of innocent lungs.

We sirens cared not to meddle in the lives of humans, whose lives passed by, year by decade by century. Our mission was to retrieve Persephone, whose life would be worth our freedom. But these changes, being wrought day after week after month could no longer be ignored. The sometimes brilliance of humans has by far been outweighed by their crimes against the earth. And so we, the Sirens, have started to create changes in the currents, speaking our minds to the others who dwell beneath the waves.

But not everyone has embraced these changes we've sought to make, the gentle turning of the tides to prevent further human intervention among the waters. After all, humans got us all into this mess by believing they are the supreme intelligence among the world, the universe.

But by believing that they were better than us, humans forgot to do one thing.

In their vanity, they forgot to get the story right.

So now, it isn't the merfolk that are getting hunted by humans.

It is us. The Sirens.

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