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I know there are a lot of people out there that are heartbroken because this story is on hold.

Naw, but it's still a big sad that I'm not really writing as often anymore due to schoolwork, trying to get my body whipped into shape (no Legally Blonde reference intended), and just generally laziness. 

So, now that my excuses are out of the way, I will finish this book, although it may take a year, or two... or three or four...

Basically, I don't know how long it will take me to finish this, so to all of you reading this, thank you for getting this far, and I hope you read it again when I finally update.

EDIT/UPDATE (12 December 2020):

I am working on updating this story and creating new parts (and revising the old parts, yikes).

However, I'm struggling to stay consistent with my writing and keep word-vomiting onto the pages (so I have something to work with). This means that I don't know whether to update sporadically, or get close to finishing the book and update regularly at that point.

At this point, I have four (4) more parts ready to go (although they are still a bit unpolished, as is all my writing). So, I have a question to pose:

TO ANY CURRENT READERS (or just those that keep checking in, looking for updates):

Which of the two options do you prefer: sporadic updates or regular updates at some undetermined point?

Drop a comment below, or message me privately, please! I want to know what you think!

Thanks :)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2020 ⏰

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