Chapter 6

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Recap during the 3 weeks between the fight and when they made up***

Savannah's POV*

I had moved everything into Luke's guest bedroom not unpacking anything because I didn't want to believe it's true. I didn't want to believe any of it. "Time for dinner" Luke said knocking on my door. "I'm not hungry" I said rolling over so I was facing the wall. "Savannah. You haven't eaten dinner in 2 days. Come on you gotta eat" Luke said coming into the room. "I don't want to eat" I said my lip wavering as tears gathered in my eyes. "Come here Sav" Luke said opening his arms. I sat up and he hugged me. I felt another pair of arms go around me and my tears kept falling. "Lets go eat" I whispered getting up with Calum and Luke. After we eat I get up to go the store but Michael was out there so I run back in and I hear him leave so I go after he leaves. I enter the store as he leaves. I only see a bunch of food. I walk in and get Bright green hair dye and something else that might not determine my future with Michael or not. Let's just say he got drunk and I was slightly tipsy and I was the only one who actually remembers it. Not that it matters anymore.... We're not together. I dye my hair and Call my mum after I take a shower and do my business. "Luke?" I call out tears falling down my face. "Okay one I love your hair two what's wrong?" Luke asks hugging me. I hand him the positive pregnancy test and his eyes go wide. "When did you?" He asks still with wide eyes. "2 weeks ago. He was drunk I was tipsy but he doesn't remember it" I Said tears still traveling down my face. "Cal? Can you come in here?" Luke yells out and Calum comes walking in with a smile on his face till he sees me. "What's wrong?" He asks rushing over. Luke hands him the positive pregnancy test. His reaction the same to Luke's as I just put my head in my hands. "Can I be alone for a little?" I asked they nodded. "Of course I'll bring your dinner in when its done" Luke said kissing the top of my head putting the test on the bedside table. "Hey Mum?" I ask as she picks up her cell. "Yes honey?" She asks happily. "Can I come over for like an hour?" I ask. "Of course love I'll see you in a few!" She said. I hung up heading over to her house taking my phone with me. I get there in about 10 minutes and she hugs me. "I've got news" I said tears gathering in my eyes again. "Come here and talk to me" Mum said sitting on the couch next to me. "I-well-I'm pregnant with Mikey's child" I said tears falling down my face. "Oh honey it's going to be okay" Mum said pulling me into a hug. i Hug back and I eventually cried myself to sleep on my mums shoulder. I wake up to a dark room in a big bed. I slip out of the bed and into the living room to see I'm in Luke's apartment again. Luke and Calum are up watching a movie. I sit down and set my head on Calum's shoulder. "Hey sweetie" Calum said throwing his arm over me so I was on his chest while we watched The Hunger Games. That's the the three of us sat. Luke leaning on the couch arm Calum on him and me on Calum. Kinda looks like dominos fell over. "Michael came over earlier saw you running out of the house crying and wanted to know what was wrong but I just slammed the door in his face" Luke said. I tensed at his name my hand instantly going to my stomach. Calum sat up as he felt me tense. "Hey it's okay" He said wrapping me in a hug. I felt Luke wrap his arms around me. "Sorry I'm so emotional and everything guys" I said and they let go. "Hey it's not your fault you're going through a bad break up" Calum said rubbing my back. I ran to the bathroom throwing up what I ate for dinner. I scooted back until I was against the wall. There's a frantic knock on the front door. "I'll get it" I said going to the front door. "What do you want Michael" I ask looking at him. "I heard throwing up are you okay?" He asks concern in his eyes. "I don't know. How about you ask my baby" I seethed slamming the door sliding down the door. Hand over my stomach. "You're pregnant" Michael whispered sliding down the other side. "But with who's?" He whispered again. "Yours" I said locking the door running into my bedroom and locking the door. "Savannah Come out" Calum said knocking. I unlocked the door and opened it and let Calum in. "He knows" I whispered hugging Calum.
Michaels POV*
I sit in my apartment on my couch staring at the ceiling trying not to cry. Losing my best mates and my girlfriend isn't what I planned Saturday would be like. i rub my eyes as the burning sensation comes back. I hate crying. I haven't eaten slept talked or even thought properly in 3 days. I've punched a hole in the kitchen wall which I'm going to have to repair anyway. I can't believe what I've done to them. I'm a monster who doesn't deserve them. I don't deserve anyone or anything. I walk out of my apartment just as Savannah walks out of Luke's. Her cheeks are thinner. She's gotten skinner in all. Her used to be skinny jeans are now slightly baggy. "List-" I said but got interrupted by her slamming the door to Luke's apartment. I sighed before walking to the store and got a few apples oranges Bananas and pears just so If I run out of food I have extra healthy foods in case. I walk out just as Savannah goes in and I sit by the door. I see her buying bright green hair dye. I shake my head but start walking home. I don't think I can be near her right now. I'm already close to breaking down. I sit down on my couch after putting the foods in the fridge. i pull a blanket around me and just sit there staring off into space. "I miss you" I whispered tears falling onto my green day shirt. I put my head on the top of my knees. "My arms are made for holding you" I whispered again then got up running out of my apartment. Away from the memories. Away from them. Away from everything. I'll have to go back but for now I guess I'll have to go to my place that no one knows about not even the boys. I walk through the woods and crawl through a hole in the bush. A huge field with one huge tree in the middle and an abandoned old cute house. I walk in the house breathing in the familiar smell. "Man I miss you" I said sliding down the wall next to a picture of Me, My grandpa and grandma with my mum. I was 10 before My grandma got into a car accident and Grandpa disappeared after that. When I was 18 My mum died after being sick for years. I moved out of this house. I couldn't afford it but no one knows it's here. There used to be a path but it's overgrown grass and trees now block the way where you can't tell that there was a path. I walk up the olden stairs running my fingers along the curves of the railing. I walk into my old bed room all my posters still on the walls the bed still unmade the dresser drawers still out and empty. My old laptop sitting on the bedside table. I picked it up putting it in my bag. I sat on the bed but got up as bad memories came back. I walk out of the house and out of the field. I walk to my apartment not caring who sees how much of a mess I am. I walk in my apartment sitting on the couch taking out my old laptop with a 60% battery just as it was left. The background was of my mum. She was my world and still is. Its like my heart is gone. Mum was half and Savannah was the other. They both took a half when they left. "Yours" She said. I felt my heart jump. I can't believe it. Im going to be a father. How can I be a good father when I'm not even a good boyfriend. I unlocked Luke's apartment with my spare key and see Calum comforting Savannah. "Savannah We need to talk" I said and they looked up at me obvious pain in both their eyes. "Come in" She whispered. Calum walked out glaring at me. I closed Savannah's door behind me. "So it's really mine?" I whispered and she sat down. "Well I haven't had sex with anyone else. You were my first" She mumbled not looking at me. "Do you know how amazing that is!!? We are going to have a baby!" I said smiling. "Well if you forgot we aren't exactly on the best of terms now since you found that out would you please leave? Thanks" She said pushing me out of her room. I walk out of their apartment the happiest I've been since winter break started.

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