Chapter 9

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Savannah's POV*

I open the door as Luke Calum Ashton and Emily walked in smiling. Our dinning room table was set and we had spaghetti set out on 6 different plates. All our baby plates were in a separate cupboard along with the bottles. We sit down I lace my fingers with Mikey smiling. "Actually we have an announcement" Mikey said staring straight at me fondly. Mikey holds up my hand showing everyone the engagement ring. Everyone gasps holding a hand over their mouths. "That's so amazing!" Emily and Ashton said giving us a hug. We hugged back. Luke and Calum congratulated us then everyone went back to eating. We ended up finishing around 8 pm. They all left around 9 leaving us all alone with a dirty house. I cleaned all the dishes drying them and putting them away. "Babe. Worry about those tomorrow. I'll do them. Leave them be" he mumbled kissing the back of my neck. I shivered putting the last dish away. "To late I already finished them" I mumble dragging him to the bedroom as we fell asleep.

*9 months pregnant* 3 days till due* *March 3rd*

I wrap my arm around my now large bump smiling at it. I see Mikey walk in the bedroom smiling at me. "Can't wait for our little one" He mumbles kissing my neck softly. I smile turning around wrapping my arms around his neck. He smiled. I lay in my side of the bed smiling as he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer. As I was about to fall asleep I felt a pain in my stomach and a liquid spread on the bed. My eyes widened. "Michael." I yell He jumps up looks at the water on the bed and grabs our diaper bag throwing on his shoes and mine and helping me out to the car. I hiss as a contraction hits me. "Luke Calum and Ashton come out into the hallways hearing me hiss in pain. " Is she in labor?" Calum asks. I nod as Michael and me carefully walk down the steps. I get in the car just as another contraction hits. I hiss squeezing Michaels hand. "Start the car. Now" I growl throwing my head back. We park and he rushes me inside. "My wife! She's in labor" He yelled. I blushed at the word wife but hissed as the pain grew. I was put in a wheelchair and wheeled to a labor unit. Michael was with me as I squeezed his hand harder. "We need you to push. You're already 10 inches dialated. Now push" The doctor said. I pushed yelling. "I hate you" I yelled out squeezing Michael's hand growling. I pushed again growling and yelling. "Why did you do this to me?" I yell as I push again. "One or two more pushes Savannah. You're almost there" The doctor said. I growled. I pushed again leaning forward yelling. I hear a cry fill the room as I fell back against the bed in relieve. Michael held my hand kissing my forehead. "It's a boy" Doctor Lloyd said smiling as she cut the umbilical cord. "Thomas Fletcher Robert Clifford" I smile sleepily as I hold him in my arms kissing his head. "God I love you" I said squeezing Michaels hand smiling. He smiled kissing us both on the head. "Let us go clean him and you can rest" Lloyd said. I smile kissing His head just as his eyes opened and I let them take Thomas as I fell asleep holding Michael's hand.

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