Chapter 18

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"Aurora Roberti" this is her name.

What a beautiful name "Aurora".

Now I write her in direct.

"Hey, hello. You certainly won't remember me but my name is Kevin, I'm the guy from the disco, the one who approached you when you yelled at your friend to get off the back, LOL" -there's nothing to laugh but  I have to look friendly- "you've been in my mind since I saw you and I was wondering if you would like to have a coffee in a bar sometimes. Bye bye and have a good day"

I press ENTER.

She will never answer me, this is a message for losers I realize it but at least I want to try.

Fuck, is really left in my head, a look, sometimes a glance is enough to understand that the person you are looking at is the person with whom you want to spend the rest of your life.

Five seconds.  Five seconds are enough, you look at her, she looks at you, the spark strikes.  This is love.

I no longer think of anything, I put the phone on the table and I start to watch television, maybe I exaggerated with that message, writing to her that remained in my head maybe it was excessive.

Beep Beep

The phone rings, it's a notification, it's her answer.

"Hi, I'm glad you contacted me, you stayed in my head too, but I'm sorry to tell you but I don't feel like having a coffee with you. Sorry"

Ok, shitty figure done, I deluded myself.



Hi guys here is chapter eighteen, a little shorter than usual, I realize it but in this chapter there are, in my opinion, some very nice sentences.

I hope you like it, did you expect Aurora to refuse?


I didn't think of reducing myself like thisWhere stories live. Discover now