Chapter 4

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I can't help looking at her as she undresses.  It is so beautiful, perfect, perfectly fuckable.  Those long brown hair that reaches her bottom make her even more beautiful.  Otherwise I have to get distracted.

"Open the water in the meantime"

I think all over the world it's just me and her taking a shower at three in the morning, as soon as I got out of a disco, my parents, my brother and sister are asleep and I open the water to wash myself.  Maybe Aurora is right I should start doing my part in this family, I exploit them, I have always exploited them and I have never helped them do anything, maybe the time has come to improve for a moment, I am eighteen and in my life  I've never done anything except get drunk.  I should clean up.

"Andre? Are you there? The water is boiling, do we have to wash ourselves or do we have to cook the pasta?" She laughs.

"Oh yes sorry, before you were enchanted, now I am enchanted" I laugh and she with me, luckily I have her was a blessing to have met her, without her I would not be me.

"You come in first, miss," I say, making a large gesture with my hand.

"What a fool you are," she replies, laughing.

Incredible the harmony that we can create together, it is not simply a shower, it is our weekly moment, the moment in which we are both completely naked and merged together, two bodies and one soul, it is a wonderful relationship, I know that  she will always be there for me and I will always be there for her, we are not engaged and I would never see each other together, we are different and our friendship is too precious, things would change if we got engaged but I know that she is my happy ending, is my "they lived happily ever after" because when she is not there I am not living my story.

"Tonight you are more beautiful than usual"

"But what are you having tonight, you're giving me too many compliments. How much did you drank?" She laughs

"I drank a lot but trust me I am not looking at you blinded by the fumes of alcohol, I am looking at you with my own eyes and I see that you are beautiful tonight"

She blushes.  How nice to see her blush.  It only blushes with me, it is the signal that you really like my compliments, like when I see it many times and it becomes hard, the first times it got hard, she said a phrase that I still printed in my mind, she said laughing  but I liked it and I made it mine.  "Erection is a sincere compliment" is real fucking!  It's really true.  And right now I have it hard, because she is simply perfect.

Needless to say, I went over to her and she let herself get closer, I picked her up, slammed her against the wall and started to lemon her.


Hi guys, here's the fourth chapter.

I hope you like it and tell me what you think.


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